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Electrolyte in a sentence

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Sentence count:246Posted:2017-05-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: electrolysiselectromagnetic spectrumelectronelectrodeelectronicelectrocuteelectronicselectrothermalMeaning: [ɪ'lektrəʊlaɪt]  n. a solution that conducts electricity. 
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121 The praseodymium and neodymium may probably separate from lanthanum, samarium, europium and ytterbium in lithium sulfosalioylate electrolyte.
122 Real silk can increase its dye adsorption in its dyeing with acid dyes in the presence of Bola diquaternary ammonium salt electrolyte.
123 The mechanisms of aluminum's alkaline electropolishing were analyzed, and a long-life and good effective electrolyte solution was obtained by experiment.
124 The molten electrolyte bath consists principally of cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride) plus some excess aluminum fluoride, 6 to 10 percent by weight of fluorspar and 2 to 5 percent aluminum oxide.
125 Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE ) composite electrodes were utilized for the selective oxidation of geraniol alcohol to correspondent aldehyde.
126 The photosynthetic rate of detached leaves and Hill reaction of chloroplast were inhibited graviously during chilling treatment, and the electrolyte leakage of leaves was increased by chilling.
127 Porous anodizing film can be formed on aluminium surface in acidic electrolyte solution by electrochemical method.
128 A suit of electrochemical cell which was used to investigate corrosion behavior of metals under a thin electrolyte film was designed.
129 Before the technique, must undergo 24-48 hour preparation, the correction dehydration and the electrolyte disorder, the supplement sylvite.
130 Keeping the negative fluid balance and electrolyte balance in early stage, preventing infection and holding out treatment.
131 The indexes were compared with those ones in gold electrolyte bisque firing crucible process.
132 Effects of PTFE content in electrode, current density, temperature of electrolyte and electric quantity on pinacol yield was discussed.
133 The internal reference electrode is composed of silver foil, a silver chloride layer and a dry internal reference electrolyte layer.
134 Anodic bonding applied in the joining of solid electrolyte borosilicate glass and silicon is achieved with bonding machine in the assistance of static electric field.
135 DESCRIPTION Chloride is the major extracellular anion in human body fluids. Chloride plays a key role in maintaining proper water distribution(, osmotic pressure and electrolyte balance.
136 The electrolyte stability and centrifugal. stability of copolymer emulsion were studied.
137 The volt ampere properties of electrolyte in pulse electrochemical finish machining (PEFM) are investigated in this paper.
138 Hydrogen-power fuel cell is made up of the anode, the cathode and the electrolyte, and it belongs to the contradictory equipment of the water electroanalysis.
139 Formation mechanism of hydrogen during aluminum electrolyte liquid was discussed.
140 This article made a scientific research on the apparatus measuring the electrolyte density based on the principle of syntony.
141 The principle, electrolyte formula and parameter of brass electrochemistry etching are introduced.
142 It is reported that hard alloy scrap is treated by electroosmosis and electrolysis together taking sulfuric acid as electrolyte in order to recover cobalt metal and Tungsten Carbide.
143 The process for minimising reoxidation includes applying an electrical potential to reduced material at least while the reduced material remains immersed in the molten electrolyte.
144 Measurement method of activity coefficient of Associated and non - associated electrolyte solution was discussed.
145 An anode-supported single-chamber solid oxide fuel cell(SC-SOFC) with dense yttria-stabilized zirconia film as the electrolyte was fabricated by the slurry spin coating technique.
146 Using hexamethyldisilazane(HMDS) as stabilizer of Li-ion battery electrolytes, the influences of HMDS on the stability of electrolyte and electrochemical properties of Li-ion batteries were studied.
147 If you suspect functional hypoparathyroidism what electrolyte levels should you next check?
148 The effect of organic additive on performance of zinc electrode was studied by methods of Chronoamperometry and Linear Sweep Voltammetry in electrolyte.
149 The preparation of active copper electrode and its application as anode in a KOH electrolyte based galvanic cell oxygen sensor were discussed.
150 With teflon seal cylinder, glass insulators, ball bonding and tin soldering, CAK35 hermetically sealed wet tantalum capacitor has no electrolyte leaking.
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