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Dividend in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+4Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dividedividedundividedcontinental divideindividualindividualismindividualityevidentMeaning: ['dɪvɪdend]  n. 1. that part of the earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders; usually paid quarterly 2. a number to be divided by another number 3. a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus). 
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121. The fundamental cause of higher volatility, however, is that dividend income is in decline.
122. To improve cash flow, Kmart eliminated its dividend, cut expenses and boosted earnings.
123. Shareholders will receive an interim dividend increased from 5.03p per share to 5.2p.
124. For example, a basic rate taxpayer currently receives a net dividend distribution of £75 on his equity investment.
125. But the dividend income is relatively modest, and coming from abroad they are not a tax-efficient source of income.
126. But for the basic rate taxpayer, the problem of annual management charges eroding a diminished dividend yield remains.
127. The interest paid to debenture holders is deductible when calculating taxable profits, unlike dividend payments.
128. Any cheque or dividend warrant which is uncrossed and made payable to bearer.sentencedict .com
129. Iberdrola has paid its shareholders a dividend of 61. 25 pesetas per share each year for the past three years.
130. The interim dividend goes up a fraction to 3.1p, from 2.9p.
131. The board has recommended a 10% increase in interim dividend to 3.32 pence, compared with 1992's 3.02 pence.
132. But the base is about to become a casualty of the peace dividend.
133. A 9p final dividend takes the total on from 13p to 14p.
134. And for fourteen years, Nucor had paid a dividend to its stockholders, increasing the amount of the dividend each year.
135. In particular, preferred shares offer a fixed dividend, like bonds and unlike ordinary shares.
136. He expects to receive a dividend at the end of the year as well as the price for the share at that time.
137. Its strong profits rise and increased dividend payout had been anticipated by the City and the shares gained just a penny.
138. The interim dividend is 2.5p, against 1.75p and earnings were 0.5p higher at 8.2p after a slightly lower tax burden.
139. So the sums involved in pricing water must take an annual dividend into account.
140. A cluster of ex-dividend stocks trading without the benefit of dividend payments helped keep dealing subdued.
141. Final dividend on shares is held at 2.25p(, reflecting the upturn in business in recent months.
142. Meanwhile, it announced a special 6p dividend payment covering the change in the year end.
143. This would normally be deducted from dividend income before calculating the income available for distribution to unit holders.
144. The total dividend is 8.2 percent up on 1991 at 11.9p.
145. The pre-tax figure slid to £58.2 million, from £82.4 million in 1991, and the dividend total is halved to 6p.
146. The tax credit which accompanies a dividend matches the basic rate liability but the trustees pay additional rate tax of 10%.
147. There is no final dividend and Young said it did not expect to make a payment for 1992.
148. Dividend payments reflect the division of earnings between payments to stockholders and reinvestment in the firm.
149. It made £41.7m compared with £32.5m in 1990 and is increasing its total dividend payout to 56.4p per share from 47p.
150. The fund also requires stocks to pay a dividend, and looks for favorable prospects for dividend growth.
More similar words: dividedividedundividedcontinental divideindividualindividualismindividualityevidentevidenceevidentlyprovidentindividual income taxprovidencerugged individualismimprovidentindividual retirement accountpreponderance of evidencevividlividvividlydivinevideodivisordivisivedivisiondivinityprovidedivisibleskydivingdivination
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