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Descended in a sentence

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Sentence count:208+24Posted:2017-02-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: condescenddescenddescendantcondescensiondescentcrescendotranscendentsenescent
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151. Men are descended from fish, perhaps of the shark or dogfish type.
152. In the story of the five ages men are descended from the iron race.
153. The Yellowstone herd, which is directly descended from those last surviving bison, is of particular spiritual importance to those tribes.
154. Margulis's theory is that mitochondria and chloroplasts, and a few other structures inside cells, are each descended from bacteria.
155. Therefore, everybody is descended from men who preferred fertile women, and every person inherits from those ancestors the same preference.
156. As she descended the escalator towards the platforms, she noticed the digital clock in the ceiling.
157. We descended down as the flak, which caused us no major problems, opened up.
158. Tony was well briefed before we descended to the bowels of the earth.
159. He descended into the deep recesses of her neck where it was scented sweetly and so warm.
160. Descended from the Carolingian counts and vicomtes, they possessed and exercised very ancient rights of jurisdiction over their lordships.
161. He passed into the saloon, found the companionway at once and descended to a central passage.
162. Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists. Franklin D. Roosevelt 
163. Before me lay a deep gulley choked with oleanders and thorny scrub, which descended precipitously down to the private beach.
164. He might as well have descended on the Palace, announcing that he had come for a stay.
165. The three headed along the catwalk, descended a rusty ladder on to the dunes of debris.
166. Gaza descended into chaos and pitch black as the power went out.
167. A Darkfall storm had descended on a factory in Leeds four years earlier.
168. When Stafford saw Cantor move slowly toward the right, he descended on the opposite side.
169. She descended into hell to attend the funeral of the raging bull of heaven, her instrument for terrorizing the earth.
170. Placed in charge, Taylor had written to vendors, requesting catalogs and price lists, and now they descended upon him.
171. As Discovery curved still closer toward Saturn, the Sun slowly descended toward the multiple arches of the rings.
172. I descended to 500 feet, then continued descending with a Rate 1 on to final and continued the descent to 100 feet.
173. It was in 1933 when the explosive din suddenly stopped and an eerie silence descended on Boulder Canyon.
174. Depression had descended on her, hemmed in by all these people, driving along a straight dreary road.
175. Holmes brushed aside an offer to wait, and we descended a set of echoing stone stairs.
176. His brother lost his job, and descended into the abyss.
177. The blast descended on him, burning into his very soul.
178. Because they were descended from them, many sometimes descending from a single ancestral species.
179. On the few occasions when the wind was not blowing a gale, the fog descended like a shroud.
180. Again like Brezhnev, Tsedenbal descended from the summit in the early 1980s.
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