Synonym: derogation, disparagement, wear and tear. Similar words: depreciate, appreciation, deprecation, precipitation, appreciate, appreciated, association, annunciation. Meaning: [dɪ‚priːʃɪ'eɪʃn] n. 1. a decrease in price or value 2. decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use 3. a communication that belittles somebody or something.
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31. This was principally directed toward the gradual adoption of more realistic depreciation provisions.
32. The company said the charge will provide a noncash benefit in future years from reduced depreciation and amortization.
33. The system of capital allowances is the system of depreciation permitted by the Inland Revenue in arriving at taxable earnings.
34. Where no allowance is made for this depreciation in the calculation of investment, the resulting figure is called gross investment.
35. Answer guide: The cost associated with the depreciation of an asset is based on the historic cost of that asset.
36. Consequently, the argument about depreciation producing more correct costs in the revenue account applies equally to principal repayments in lieu of depreciation.
37. We have said that depreciation in business can perform the function of maintaining capital.
38. The markets, and the employers who are busy fuelling wage inflation, expect a depreciation.
39. Deducting depreciation expenses, employee wages, interest, and other expenses yields income before tax of $ 33, 800.
40. The answer must be that it could not since the fact of adopting depreciation accounting severs the link with finance.
41. This would arise where depreciation charges were less than principal repayments would have been.
42. Spending on capital items and allowances for depreciation also affected the cash flow differently last year.
43. In practice, therefore(sentence dictionary), these principal repayments took the place of depreciation.
44. To keep the example simple, assume that there is no depreciation so that we do not need to worry about replacement investment.
45. Unlimited life goods are typically stored at historic cost in the balance sheet and there is no depreciation.
46. The failure to index depreciation schedules for inflation is devastating for manufacturing and other industries that require long-term investments.
47. Depreciation is to be based on the shorter of the lease term and useful economic life.
48. Tangible Assets and Depreciation Tangible assets are stated at cost or valuation less accumulated depreciation.
49. Why is it unlikely that depreciation will provide for replacement of the fixed asset?
50. Depreciation and interest need to be traced, as far as possible, to products.
51. Selected industries have also been able to secure extra depreciation in proportion to any increase in the share of exports in their total sales.
52. Negative comments on poetry written by labouring people often entailed some depreciation of labour itself.
53. Adding depreciation accounting to the existing system has, in the past,[] not been affordable.
54. Under generally accepted accounting principles, companies may use straight-line or one of the accelerated methods of depreciation for financial accounting purposes.
55. Companies could select among the various allowable depreciation methods and depreciate an asset over its ADR-expected life.
56. Take the example of calculating an annual depreciation charge for a vehicle.
57. It is in the interests of sports equipment manufacturers to encourage such relative depreciation when their products have long depreciation periods.
58. In fact, there is a real example of depreciation accounting being practised alongside payments in lieu of depreciation.
59. Indeed, a significant part of it concerned the relevance of depreciation accounting.
60. The business lobby has been squealing for everything from accelerated depreciation allowances to a Business Development Board to grant cheap loans.
More similar words: depreciate, appreciation, deprecation, precipitation, appreciate, appreciated, association, annunciation, renunciation, pronunciation, reconciliation, representation, depression, precaution, variation, radiation, alleviation, negotiation, retaliation, abbreviation, repudiation, recommendation, recrimination, presentation, prevarication, preoccupation, depressed, predestination, interpretation, prestidigitation.