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Depend in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+15Posted:2016-12-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: confiderelytrustSimilar words: depend ondependentdependingdependableindependentindependencebe independent ofspendMeaning: [dɪ'pend]  v. 1. be contingent upon (something that is elided) 2. have faith or confidence in. 
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271. Sometimes, the friendship and love depend on the fate, cannot demand & it cannot come sedulously.
272. Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.
273. Young children depend on context to pro - mote memory, and spontaneously report less.
274. The decision on the terminal point for retreat should depend on the situation as a whole.
275. They, in turn, depend on the integrity of working scientists who review contributions seal of approval.
276. Aion Armor types depend on location of sub - wearing T - shirt, shin , shoulder pad, gloves[], and boots.
277. Whether this factory will survive depend to a great extent on its production of steel.
278. The life cycle of Plasmodium parasites is known to depend on temperature.
279. Worse , they are unsuited to advertising, on which most magazines depend.
280. Does Singapore, to ensure championship , depend on a foreign legion in almost each and every competition?
281. The odds of winning over the waverers depend on the details of a cap - and - trade bill.
282. They depend on a concept that is ill formed: the very idea of timesaving.
283. We wondered if people realize how risky it is to depend on a pension plan.
284. Retinal reposition depend on position, length and operation time of scleral rupture.
285. The development of nanotechnology will depend on the availability of nanostructures.
286. You can use extraction tools to slim down applications that depend on class libraries.
287. Aid and other school loans depend on what tax bracket you or your families are in.
288. Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who depend on him.
289. The effect of glandular trichomes may depend on the nature of the exudate.
290. The Independent and the London Evening Standard depend on the largesse of foreign investors.
291. The dynamic hysteresis depend on reduced frequency pitching rates and pivot positions.
292. This paper briefly presents determination of nitrate in water using ultraviolet spec - to photometric . depend . correctness.
293. May I depend on you to stand by me and my daughters, then [], deer - slayer?
294. Does not depend on to get a line that we had only.
295. They just depend on their sixth sense and on the enrolling number.
296. Masenga had to depend on daylight. Their scrubs and gowns grew dark with sweat.
297. Now , the rightness of revolt, the rightness of our militant methods, does not depend upon success.
298. In those days a wife had to depend on the mercifulness of her husband.
More similar words: depend ondependentdependingdependableindependentindependencebe independent ofspendsuspendpendulumspendingsuspendedimpendingcompendiumrepeatrepealrepeatedlydeputydepictdepartdeploydeportrepercussionobstreperousdepositdepravedmake peace withdepravitydeparturedepressed
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