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Mania in a sentence

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Sentence count:101+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: crazedesireenthusiasminfatuationinsanitymadnessSimilar words: maniacmegalomaniamanifoldhumanismmanifestmanifestomanipulatemanipulatingMeaning: ['meɪnjə]  n. 1. an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action 2. a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently. 
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(1) So why your sudden mania for exercise?
(2) She has a mania for ponies.
(3) She had a mania for fast cars.
(4) Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things.
(5) She was diagnosed as suffering from persecution mania.
(6) Football mania is sweeping the country.
(7) In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind.
(8) He has a mania for fast cars.
(9) Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.
(10) He had a mania for fast cars.
(11) Keep-fit mania has hit some of the girls in the office.
(12) She's always cleaning - it's like a mania with her.
(13) The article describes the religious mania which is sweeping the US.
(14) He's got motorcycle mania.
(15) Tendency to mania; has highs and lows.
(16) Aunt Edna was scathing about her cousin's religious mania.
(17) Lottery mania is sweeping the state.
(18) He had a mania for her.
(19) Stock averages have shown all signs of a mania.
(20) The mania persisted into the present century.
(21) They may be delirious with constant talking and mania.
(22) Nowadays[],( alas! people had a mania for dashing around.
(23) There was a hint of mania at the corners of Defries's narrowed eyes, at the edges of her pursed mouth.
(24) The book is about the 1980s mania for mergers and takeovers.
(25) They have a mania for getting at the most delicate parts of the engine.
(26) Manic depression Patients with this disorder switch between mania and depression; a few do so regularly.
(27) The way it takes me, my mania, is a compulsion to spend money.
(28) Parents and teachers soon caught the planting mania, and saved seeds from their salads.
(29) The violence of the crowd can only be explained as a sign of some collective mania.
(30) It seemed to some observers that the English had a mania for travelling.
More similar words: maniacmegalomaniamanifoldhumanismmanifestmanifestomanipulatemanipulatingmanifestationmanifest destinydenialgenialbiennialperennialcolonialcongenialmillenniapecuniaryaugustinianPalestiniancolonialismtrichomoniasispanicanimacanineanimalvanishsanitybanishSpanish
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