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Depend in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+15Posted:2016-12-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: confiderelytrustSimilar words: depend ondependentdependingdependableindependentindependencebe independent ofspendMeaning: [dɪ'pend]  v. 1. be contingent upon (something that is elided) 2. have faith or confidence in. 
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241. But more often we have to depend on guesswork.
242. The socialization of sports must depend on sports organization.
243. All the generators depend on Faraday's work.
244. It is not: the frugal depend on the profligate.
245. Our desired expenditures depend on our national income.
246. The dynamic characteristics of vibration system depend mainly on its modality parameters.
247. Its viability will depend on wise leadership – a commodity, as usual, in frighteningly small supply.
248. The most attractive placement of the date, however , may depend on the letterhead design.
249. This shift is rapid and does not depend on natural selection.
250. He is can depend on and someone who is loyal to a fault.
251. In credibility model, we regard risk X a random variable which is depend on a parameter.
252. Roleplaying games depend on characters ; computer adventures and LARPs are often drive by plots.
253. Economic growth and human well - being depend on the natural resource base that supports all living systems.
254. Referenced criteria and further typing depend on growth pattern and ground glass nuclei characteristics.
255. Depend on your damage output, you may need to thistle tea to counter this.
256. Do not depend too much on Power Point and eliminate the use of'bullet points '.
257. Whether we'll do the threshing tomorrow will depend on the weather.
258. How does the satellite navigation system depend on understanding general relativity?
259. Premium charges will depend on each applicant's evidence of insurability.
260. In the first 8 weeks of the cubs, they depend entirely on mother's milk.
261. Specific price and time scale will depend on market conditions.
262. The tonometer's position does not depend on what hand you are used to work - right or left.
263. There may be secondary emission effects that depend on theplate material.
264. The sensitiveness of mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth.
265. Human and ecological wellbeing must supersede economic concerns if only because economies depend on ecosystems.
266. Due to the conductive ground plane,[] the field strength does not only depend on the polarization.
267. But it's not unlikely. The odds depend on the length and the rigorousness of the trip.
268. A good part of Obama's presidency may depend on their being right about Jones.
269. The safety and reliability of color TV set depend on flyback transformer to a great extent.
270. Materiality of an item may depend not only on its amount but also on its nature.
More similar words: depend ondependentdependingdependableindependentindependencebe independent ofspendsuspendpendulumspendingsuspendedimpendingcompendiumrepeatrepealrepeatedlydeputydepictdepartdeploydeportrepercussionobstreperousdepositdepravedmake peace withdepravitydeparturedepressed
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