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Decisive in a sentence

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Sentence count:239+9Posted:2016-11-17Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: indecisiveSimilar words: decisionderisiveprecisepreciselyimprecisedecidedecide onpassiveMeaning: [dɪ'saɪsɪv]  adj. 1. determining or having the power to determine an outcome 2. unmistakable 3. characterized by decision and firmness 4. forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis. 
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211 The Battle of Pharsalus was a decisive battle of Caesar's Civil War.
212 Though legal norms play a decisive role in a judge's judgment by precedency limiting the content of judgment, they can not provide the judge with more detailed information for his judgment.
213 Source model plays a decisive part in the analysis of transport delay of the total network.
214 When the decisive goal is waived offside by another incorrect lines - blind.
215 Client and robot are connected by communication subsystem, which plays a decisive role for the realization of remote video surveillance.
216 These all have direct influence to the administration effect, in which moves the decisive status is the superintendent that implements the administration behavior.
217 To the west, the Normans have taken southern Italy, and in the east the Seljuk Turks have moved into Asia Minor after their decisive and terrible victory at Manzikert.
218 It can be said that "in supplying the front line with weapons, ammunition, food, clothing and bedding in time and other military activities, logistics transport sector is a decisive role."
219 At this point, traffic officers did not perform "technical regulation" Article 246, failed to take decisive measures "to stop the base to electricity", illegal release train.
220 As the international negotiations on climate change struggle to deliver a new and decisive agreement there are those wondering if big international treaties have exceeded their sell-by date.
221 We let them score straightaway and it was a decisive error.
222 Her top of brain takes the rain hat in decisive dark, pendency of the crape cover up her face absolute sum.
223 Coordinated currency interventions are helpful and decisive signal of a monetary policy change, but aren't required.
224 Satirize to depict to push with details in the person up all rose the decisive function.
225 Externally, the decisive factor is assistance from the Soviet Union.
226 It is revealed that agriculture investment is a decisive factor.
227 Output switches have a decisive influence upon trigger generator systems'performance.
228 Proximate cause is directive, effective and plays a decisive role in the risk factors which damage to object of insurance.
229 In addition to the leadership of the Originalism, the decisive factor is our designers themselves.
230 The equilibrium condition of berthed ship is a decisive factor in port design.
231 Anthophilous insects played a decisive role in the origin and early evolution of the flowering plants.
231 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
232 BC, Atlantis Empire would a decisive battle with Greece at Athens.
233 The latent heat of condensation and the water vapor don't play decisive roles in formation of the vortex, but play key roles in vortex maintenance and structure characteristics evolvement.
234 The 26-year old teacher told the authorities he picked up the ammunition in the Egyptian north coast town El Alamein, the site of one of the most decisive battles in World War II.
235 Our country, almost single-handed, was conducting a decisive war against Japanese Empire.
236 In the backside the betterment to the quality control methods has a decisive influence. At the same time the efforts can foreshow to be helpful to the similar products and industrys.
237 The Great Bend is the place, where the Brahmaputra takes a decisive turn and flows towards India.
238 The coordination of glucose, phosphate and reaction time has a decisive effect on gramme molecule change effiency of ATP.
239 In business decisions, your CEO should be decisive, but never a loose cannon.
More similar words: decisionderisiveprecisepreciselyimprecisedecidedecide onpassivemassivedeceivepervasiveoffensiveeffusivepersuasiveobtrusivedefensivedeceptiveexcessiveextensiveundeceiverecessiveexpensiveexclusiveregressiveaggressiveimpressiveresponsiveprogressiveexclusivelyinquisitive
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