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Cottage in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+27Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bungalowSimilar words: cottongottaa stageheritagehostageshortagepercentageadvantageMeaning: ['kɒtɪdʒ]  n. a small house with a single story. 
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271 I lived with an elderly lady in a little thatched cottage which looked like something out of Hansel and Gretel.
272 And if she took Johnny into the cottage, might this in some way break the spell and spoil the magic?
273 The princess: She was very good and cleaned and cooked for her brothers in their cottage even though she was royalty.
274 He did not speak again until they were bumping up the track towards the cottage.
275 In contrast Mr. Hargreaves' general stores was in a tiny cottage - again the front room had been adapted.
276 They were the sons of Thomas Jackson, a humble farm labourer who brought up ten children in a thatched cottage.
277 The track led only to Scudder's Cottage, the name crudely painted on a board nailed to the gate.
278 Cold icy winds swept under the gaps of cottage doors rattling them fiercely.
279 The windward coast jitney dropped him off on the road above the cottage at dusk.
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