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Chemically in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+6Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chemicalpetrochemicalchemical energybiogeochemical cycleacademicallyeuphemisticallypolemicalcomicallyMeaning: adv. 1. by the use of chemicals 2. with respect to chemistry. 
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31. Strong fibres were weakened by touching while weak fibres were improved in strength if the surface were removed chemically.
32. The state of euphoria of a historian who unearths a long-forgotten manuscript may be chemically induced.
33. Much stronger are the type 2 meteors, with the physical strength of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, which they also resemble chemically.
34. Experiments involve a spurious association between the novel food and the illness which is usually induced chemically or by X-rays.
35. The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene spheres.
36. Since coal is formed from plants, which are chemically very complicated, its own chemical make-up is very elaborate.
37. If you can understand characteristic curves and have an understanding of what's happening mathematically or chemically it will help.
38. Chemically, chalk is largely calcium carbonate, he argues, and so should yield carbon dioxide if immersed in an acid.
39. This nematode haemoglobin is chemically similar to myoglobin and has the highest affinity for oxygen of any known animal haemoglobin.
40. We have, in fact, as well as polluting our environment chemically also polluted it with radio waves of varying frequencies.
41. This is placed on chemically treated plastic strips which react with cancer cells, turning a fluorescent green.
42. First enzymes within the tissues of the animal carcass will modify tissues chemically and physically to effect tenderizing.
43. It spread through the body and achieved chemically and pharmacologically what rationalism and the Protestant ethic sought to fulfill spiritually and ideologically.
44. The study of petrographic fabrics forms the basis for later analytical research, both chemically and isotopically.
45. The photographically prepared printing plate when being made is treated chemically so that the image will accept ink and reject water.
46. The process produces a much smaller volume of chemically inert radioactive waste than conventional ion exchange techniques.
47. Even two lumps of coal from the same seam may be chemically quite distinct.
48. Graphite is chemically allied to diamond.
48. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
49. These chemically active ferments cause havoc.
50. Diamond is chemically allied to coal.
51. Chemically Stability and Water-resistance, Water-repellent.
52. Contaminated instruments and floor surfaces should be chemically disinfected.
53. The substrate type ISFET is a chemically sensitive device.
54. Helium is a monatomic chemically inert gas.
55. Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus.
56. Management tactics range from using bone charcoal to soak up the carcinogen and then dispose of it as toxic waste to chemically transforming hexavalent chromium to a more benign form.
57. After blasting or surface treatment chemically and cleaning by solvent, the metal insert was plated FR1, predried, then adhered by thermal cure, a good effect was gained.
58. The aligned nanotube thin films are substantially strong, and chemically inertial with their onset field low and the emission current strong.
59. Coconut (copra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.
60. If you chemically bonded two glucose (monsaccharide) molecules you would have a disaccharide, maltose, used to flavor malt liquor.
More similar words: chemicalpetrochemicalchemical energybiogeochemical cycleacademicallyeuphemisticallypolemicalcomicallyrhythmicallyeconomicallymicroscopicallychemistchemistryphotochemistrycomicalinimicaleconomicallogicallycynicallybasicallytypicallyradicallyethicallystaticallyironicallyphysicallypoeticallyclinicallypracticallyhermetically
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