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Cheerfully in a sentence

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Sentence count:109+9Posted:2017-03-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cheerfulpowerfullyfearfullypowerfulwonderfulcheercheerycheer upMeaning: adv. in a cheerful manner. 
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31) Lights around the saucer's rim winked cheerfully.
32) As each boat drew level, we waved cheerfully.
33) Volunteers cheerfully offer small tours and short history lessons.
34) The singer-songwriter answered it cheerfully, expecting a friend.
35) Their voices ring out cheerfully from the uncluttered surfaces.
36) The belfry was ringing out cheerfully over the square.
37) Hotels are simple but adequate, and you can eat the freshest of fish in cheerfully informal, unlicensed restaurants.
38) Domovoi would cheerfully undertake household chores while the family slept, if they were treated with respect and gratitude.
39) Although she started cheerfully, she began to lose her courage as she approached Emminster.
40) Darby was a cheerfully relaxed young man who compiled cryptic crosswords for a monthly magazine in his spare time.
41) The old motels capitalized on regional pride and kitsch, cheerfully twisting their neon signs into oddball shapes.
42) Then, alone in his dressing room, he cheerfully prepared a noose with which to hang himself.
43) Yvonne Flatman had been designated the role of temporary helmsman and declared, cheerfully(, that she had virtually no steerage way.
44) Narrowness, however, is not Gray's way, and he cheerfully violates his own editorial principles.
45) When I got home he was already in his room, whistling away cheerfully.
46) I can cheerfully admit that it made no impact on me apart from an overwhelming urge to be violently sick.
47) I smiled cheerfully, wished everyone a good morning and began to stuff the food into my mouth.
48) I added cheerfully, but Lilly glared at me, and we ate our cinnamon toast in silence.
49) A herd of goats crossed the beach, the bells around their necks jingling cheerfully.
50) Now, in the television ads, he cheerfully delivered some hammy lines before falling backwards into a swimming pool.
51) Determinedly she put her worries and the root cause of her despondency behind her and tried to think more cheerfully.
52) They came, shook their heads over my plans, then set cheerfully to work to build what I wanted.
53) More cheerfully he trotted after Lou, catching the tennis ball as it came bouncing towards him.
54) Howard Johnsons cheerfully refunded the $ 50 deposit it requires for people who want to bring a pet into a room.
55) She greeted him cheerfully.
56) He drove out of Brighton cheerfully enough, munching his sandwich, climbing the London road until he had breasted the Downs.
57) Ludicrously, advance accounts of this novel are cheerfully spilling the beans about the rest of the plot.
58) Bright red gingham curtains hung cheerfully at all the windows.
59) I went cheerfully through, finding the coins as I went.
60) It was not wickedness that led him into crime but a cheerfully impulsive nature and an almost complete lack of reasoning power.
More similar words: cheerfulpowerfullyfearfullypowerfulwonderfulcheercheerycheer upfullyawfullyjoyfullycarefullyruefullyhopefullywistfullytactfullyforcefullythankfullyskillfullyscornfullydisdainfullypurposefullysuccessfullyperfumesubterfugesheerperfunctoryfearfulcolorfulcheek
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