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Charismatic in a sentence

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Sentence count:96+1Posted:2017-01-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: magneticSimilar words: charismacharacteristicdevice characteristiccharitychariotmathematicsmilitarismdogmaticMeaning: [‚kærɪz'mætɪk]  adj. possessing an extraordinary ability to attract. 
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61 Two charismatic animals—the Yangtze river dolphin, or baiji, and the Chinese paddlefish, a titan that once reached 7 meters in length—are down to a handful of individuals or have already gone extinct.
62 Dams have also taken a huge toll on China's biodiversity, causing fisheries to suffer and driving charismatic species such as the Yangtze River Dolphin to extinction.
63 Unlike other European leaders, she is neither charismatic, nor flashily intellectual, nor domineering.
64 The narrator, Gene, an introverted, studious Southerner, recalls his relationship with his best friend Phineas, known as "Finny, " a charismatic,[] gregarious athlete.
65 And now these charismatic seabirds have a new name—Sula dactylatra tasmani, " said lead author Tammy Steeves in a prepared statement.
66 She was charismatic and popular but the board wanted PROFITS.
67 Everyone who has heard Teacher Li's lecture thinks he is charismatic.
68 I consider the little wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows when he is doing a ballade is very charismatic.
69 This week the strategy backfired when Mr Bersani tried to impose a candidate of his liking on Puglia, Italy's heel, a region run since 2005 by a charismatic gay far leftist, Nichi Vendola.
70 When Aladdin finds a magic lamp and unleashes the charismatic genie within , he wishes to become a prince so he can romance Jasmine and outsmart the evil Jafar.
71 Those who master Uranus'teachings often make charming and charismatic leaders.
72 In some indefinable way, Twain had conveyed his charismatic self to Keller.
73 With the unique cut-through design Martell Noblige is for the people of nobility charismatic characters.
74 At the battle of Tippecanoe in 1811, his troops killed the powerful, charismatic Native American leader, Tecumseh.
75 The large and charismatic Mindoro stripe-faced fruit bat is found only on the Philippine island of Mindoro.
76 The style of the love between us is very charismatic.
77 Gadaffi's hero and father figure was Egypt's charismatic Gamal Abdel Nasser.
78 Leos enjoy being and are charismatic[], fun - loving guests . Grand and luxurious evenings are most appealing.
79 Such inspiration should be possible, because birds really are incredibly charismatic.
80 Mr Le Pen is a fiery speaker with a charismatic presence.
81 Or Jasper , was really charismatic, and could always talk people into seeing his side of things.
82 "Their natural tendency is to be charming. Take that charm and couch it in the right business language and it sounds like charismatic leadership".
83 Black Jack is a mysterious and charismatic genius surgeon who travels the world performing amazing and impossible medical feats.
84 A lot of skates and rays and the chimaeras are not as charismatic as white sharks or whale sharks or a manta ray, but these things are probably taken in far greater numbers in terms of by-catch.
85 Most of our leaders like Kennedy, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, and Mother Theresa are among these. These are charismatic people.
86 The charismatic renegade Jedi spoke fondly of Kenobi's old mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn, who had once been Dooku's apprentice.
87 They have always had a passion for virtuosity complemented by charismatic theatricality and is committed to promoting programmes which have a wide appeal.
88 However, none can surpass the magnetism of a person with a charismatic sense of humor.
89 The large and charismatic Mindoro stripe - faced fruit bat is found only on Philippine island of Mindoro.
90 Her unconventional attitude and charismatic joie de vivre made her an attractive companion for affluent young playboys.
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