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Smuggle in a sentence

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Sentence count:49+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: smugglingjugglejugglersnugglestrugglestruggle forstruggle againstsmugMeaning: ['smʌgl]  v. import or export without paying customs duties. 
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1. They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs.
2. Friends managed to smuggle him secretly out of the country.
3. She was caught trying to smuggle 26 kilos of heroin out of/into the country.
4. My message is "If you try to smuggle drugs you are stupid"
5. He managed to smuggle a gun into the prison.
6. Customs officials foiled an attempt to smuggle priceless paintings out of the country.
7. They managed to smuggle a videotape of the captive journalists out of the prison.
8. He bribed one of the prison guards to smuggle out a note.
9. They were foiled in their attempt to smuggle priceless paintings.
10. Customs officials uncovered a plot to smuggle weapons into the country.
11. Police have foiled an attempt to smuggle a bomb into Belfast airport.
12. I'll smuggle you in through the back door.
13. All deny conspiring to smuggle drugs.
14. Neither of them was trying to smuggle anything.
15. Dealers have ways and means of making people smuggle drugs for them.
16. Edwards is charged with trying to smuggle 20 kg of cannabis into the country.
17. He leaned in to talk and smuggle her a cigarette.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. An employee seeking to smuggle out documents can simply place them in a coat pocket to avoid detection.
19. He bribed a guard to smuggle a note out of the prison.
20. Alternatively,( a courier will smuggle often millions of pounds at a time to a country where banking secrecy offers greater protection.
21. An attempt to smuggle heroin worth £30 million into the country has been thwarted by customs officials.
22. Rob tried to smuggle his puppy into the house.
23. Is it difficult to smuggle tools into that prison?
24. Can't you smuggle a gas bomb onto one of your rival hives?
25. People who smuggle contraband goods will be punished by the law.
26. The dealers buy raw cocaine in the south, refine it here, and smuggle it into the north.
27. During the scandal, it was alleged that one of his jets was used to smuggle arms to his native country.
28. He thought it a punishment for the note the young cleric had tried to smuggle out via De Gaulle.
29. Then in 1986, another prisoner bribed a guard to smuggle out a note.
30. Nkrumah was able to write the party manifesto on his borrowed toilet paper, and smuggle other messages out of prison.
More similar words: smugglingjugglejugglersnugglestrugglestruggle forstruggle againstsmugmuggernigglewigglehagglehagglerwrigglestragglebedraggledmugmug upas muchas much astransmutetransmutationbuggyruggedscragglynigglingdruggedsuggestbuggerysluggard
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