Similar words: by any means, by no means, by all means, in so far as, mean, jeans, meantime, meanwhile.
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1) insects propagate themselves by means of eggs.
2) The platform was elevated by means of hydraulic legs.
3) A piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod.
4) By means of pedals, a harp can be set in any desired key.
5) The bathroom is ventilated by means of an extractor fan.
6) The lake communicates with the sea by means of a canal.
7) The water may be carried by means of a pipe.
8) The drawing is transferred onto the wood by means of carbon paper.
9) She tried to explain by means of sign language.
10) Insects propagate themselves by means of eggs.
11) The load was lifted by means of a crane.
12) He supported himself by means of a nearby post.
13) The machine is operated by means of a lever.
14) I escaped by means of a secret tunnel.
15) The blocks are raised by means of pulleys.
16) He climbed the tree by means of a ladder.
17) The stone was lifted by means of a rope and pulley.
18) They were able to position the yacht by means of radar.
19) He let himself down slowly by means of a rope.
20) He gained entry into the building by means of a bribe to the guard.
21) I can find the size of something by means of measurement.
22) My garden communicates with the one next door by means of a gate.
23) Access is by means of a small door on the right.
24) This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.
25) They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases.
26) You can't place to a yard by means of shoulder and arm energy alone.
27) The company's path to success was by means of organic growth.
28) People who tell your future by means of a pack of cards are frauds.
29) Information is transferred along each neuron by means of an electrical impulse.
30) Anyone has the right to initiate legislation in Parliament by means of a private bill.
More similar words: by any means, by no means, by all means, in so far as, mean, jeans, meantime, meanwhile, meaningful, at home and abroad, by mistake, sensor, sponsor, payment, employment, unemployment, come at, lean, as of, sofa, so far, bean, come about, bags of, soften, lots of, one another, Korean, softly, peanut.