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Boredom in a sentence

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Sentence count:185+6Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ennuitediumSimilar words: predominantboredpredominancelaboredfreedomspeedometerboretired ofMeaning: ['bɔːdəm]  n. the feeling of being bored by something tedious. 
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151. Not enough stress leads to feelings of boredom and sometimes, meaninglessness.
152. In one of the most famous scenes in literature, for instance, boredom takes time. Marcel Proust describes his protagonist, Marcel, dunking a madeleine cookie into his teacup.
153. Does the experience of boredom make you unmotivated and unexcited?
154. To fill the boredom and emptiness you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.
155. There is something about the post lunch hour, when a sense of boredom creeps in and time weighs so heavy that you can almost hear the clock tick.
156. Work therefore is desirable, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom.
157. Only a uniformed guard stultified with boredom might have overheard them.
158. Of a truth, need and boredom are the two poles of human life.
159. She observed her guests'expressions glazing over with boredom at the insipidity of the conversation.
160. Walker Percy, a philosophical novelist, once properly described boredom as "the self stuffed with the self."
161. Fidget with small objects when talking, indicating nervousness or boredom.
162. Humming like a bee around the house, I've never had the feeling of boredom and inanity.
163. Job rotation is intended to alleviate boredom by giving people different things to do.
164. He was petrified by boredom and his tiny mind squirmed like the snail-like meat inside a whelk.
165. I think they keep changing the rules mostly out of boredom but, in Marvin's case, I sense a certain underlying malevolence.
166. Colecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented with no time for boredom.
167. It all started about a year ago, with the growing revolt against taupe and a boredom with the minimalist look.
168. We can control our boredom for a while, but is spills out fretfully soon or later – it's part of our "modern" culture.
169. So the distance of the gap needs to be between the outer limits of boredom and overstrain according to Iser.
170. Therefore, we show that boredom affects attitudes and behaviour even after the boring activity, if people have not had the chance to re-establish meaningfulness.
171. It is the vibration of joylessness that causes humans to experience boredom.
172. Denying oneself sweets is like sending a message to the universe to send one boredom and joylessness .
173. The experiment 1 examined the effects of boredom proneness (BP) and signal rate on performance and state boredom in cognitive vigilance.
174. Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.
175. It was nearly seven months of leisurely rustic living before Michael felt real boredom.
176. the double-edged quality of life in a small town—security and boredom.
177. His boredom with life may be due to the desuetude of his brain power.
178. Younger employees and those with more menial jobs were also more prone to boredom.
179. Zhou, who had first put that idea forward(,[] hid his boredom behind an indulgent smile.
180. A desperate boredom always lay over those things until they got drunk.
More similar words: predominantboredpredominancelaboredfreedomspeedometerboretired ofbe tired offreedom of the pressfreedom of assemblyjamboreeignoredstoredfavoredenamoredunexploredweed outcome downwashed outfeed onlie downrandomtake downlive downpipe downbased ondomainwisdomseldom
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