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Bathroom in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+38Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bathcanjohnlavlavatoryprivytoiletSimilar words: mushroomroombedroomcourtroomclassroombathsthroatthroughMeaning: ['beɪðrʊm]  n. 1. a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet 2. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets. 
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211. The door facing the entrance turned out to be a bathroom.
212. Q.. My recessed bathroom light extends through the ceiling into the unfinished attic, and it has no insulation around it.
213. Then with fumbling fingers she extracted her soap and hurled the bag after him across the bathroom floor.
214. Slugs would drag along the bathroom floor, trailing their vestments of brown slime.
215. The bathroom scales are a shrine to which believers turn daily.
216. Then the old lady took me firmly by the arm and led me into the bathroom.
217. Off the room was a bathroom with a bucket, a shower tap and a cement floor.
218. I went into the bathroom, crouched over the toilet and threw up.
219. And I can take it into the bathroom to read.
220. After Smitty had gone out, Converse began to crawl to-ward the bathroom door.
221. She went back into the bathroom and ran a bath.
222. Recently, a small crack appeared in our pedestal hand basin in the bathroom.
223. She is the woman with the lapis-lazuli ashtray in her all-white bathroom.
224. The bedrooms are comfortable and all have private bathroom, radio and telephone.
225. All staterooms are outside with large picture windows and private bathroom facilities.
226. Her room was large and comfortable, with pale walls, light, modern furniture and an en suite bathroom.
227. So what. In the bathroom mirror, he saw that his hair had been streaked white too.
228. I gave you three minutes to be in the bathroom and you have taken four.
229. Then he violently shoved her down the small flight of stairs that led off their bedroom to the bathroom.
230. She gave Anna a shake and let her go, and went into the bathroom.
231. Patients have to obey a strict regime and Carre is forced to share a room and bathroom with another addict.
232. All bedrooms are twin with private bathroom; some with a balcony.
233. Eunice Bonifante was in the bathroom when the telephone rang.
234. Even to remove an item from the bathroom cupboard to the wash basin or lavatory required authority.
235. Mr Popple had found her lying on the bathroom floor upon returning from the Lamb and Flag.
236. I stood behind her at the mirror, and we danced in the bathroom that way.
237. When he came inside, he found his thirty-year-old wife dead on the bathroom floor.
238. He would stand in front of the bathroom mirror in his boxer shorts and expand his chest a few times, breathing deeply.
239. Three further bedrooms and a family bathroom are also accessed from the light, airy first-floor landing.
240. I made it up there and scrabbled through into the bathroom.
More similar words: mushroomroombedroomcourtroomclassroombathsthroatthroughthrow offthrow upgo throughthrow awaythroughoutget throughall throughcut throughcome throughfall throughrun throughput throughlook throughpass throughpull throughbreak throughcarry throughfollow throughbatboomcombatroof
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