Similar words: symmetrical, diametrically, obstetrical, metric, theatrical, metaphorically, electrical, do the trick. Meaning: adj. 1. characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or placement of parts or components 2. irregular in shape or outline.
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61. Verification and Falsification are asymmetrical and this asymmetry does not indicate that falsification is more feasible.
62. A modification on Mahalanobis distance on samples of limited size by compensation for errors of non-dominant eigenvalues and asymmetrical distribution on dominant principle components is proposed.
63. Dynamic balance: Layout pattern which balances elements in an unsymmetrical form. Also called Asymmetrical balance, Informal balance.
64. RESULTS: The origin of the splanchnic nerve was bilaterally asymmetrical in all the specimens.
65. We demonstrate global asymmetrical cortical atrophy with sparing of the sensorimotor cortex, occipital lobe and cerebellum.
66. In asymmetrical conjoined twins, one is fairly well developed, but the other is severely underdeveloped and dependent on the larger twin for nutrition.
67. While all modern op amps have push-pull OUTPUT stages of some sort, many are still asymmetrical, and have a greater slew rate in one direction than the other.
68. The proposed DDSCR device which features the symmetrical or asymmetrical snapback I-V characteristics can be implemented for varies applications.
69. One of the first commercial systems utilizing OFDM was ADSL (asymmetrical digital subscriber line), a standard for high data-rate communication over twisted-pair wires.
70. The synthesis of asymmetrical phthalocyanines and their recent studies in the field of organic non-linear optics, charge transfer materials, catalysts and molecular rectifiers are reviewed.
71. A route line and a water line express the asymmetrical character of the place.
72. In graphic design asymmetrical balance is a dynamic, beautiful thing.
73. Objective:To study the effect of asymmetrical stress on the growth of spinal end-plate.
74. Conclusion The sign of asymmetrical narrowing or disappearing of NRS highly suggests the involvement of prevertebral muscle.
75. When E3 is an alternating field, a steady asymmetrical piezoelectric loop is observed.
76. Its omission, asymmetrical reflection are also a form of existence.
77. Add a touch of drama to your look with one - shoulder asymmetrical looks.
77. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
78. The asymmetrical skeg is an energy-saving unit which is fixed on the sternpost forward of the propeller on a single screw ship.
79. The first two daughter cells following asymmetrical cell division are fated towards effector and memory lineages.
80. This enhancement is larger at the daytime than at the nighttime. Showing that the intensifying ring current is asymmetrical.
81. An improved design method, the Gate-Couple technique, for the ESD protection circuit is presented for overcoming the asymmetrical turn-on of Large dimension ESD protect devices.
82. The methods are devoted to determining aerodynamic performances for asymmetrical body with angle of attack, angle of side slip and roll angle.
83. Others such as Abraham Lincoln and Admiral Horatio Nelson might also have owed part of their leadership ability to having asymmetrical faces, the theory suggests.
84. Folds may be gentle and symmetrical, or sharp and asymmetrical.
85. Method: 72 cases of alternating esotropia were divided into symmetrical surgery group and asymmetrical surgery group.
86. Necessity and speciality for synthetic test for asymmetrical current breaking are explained.
87. Among them 88.7%(55/62) showed asymmetrical hypometabolism in the striatum, and the putamen was marked decrease.
88. In this paper, asymmetrical synthesis methods of Febrifugine, Isofebrifugine and their derivatives were reviewed, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods were evaluated.
89. If it is facing the wall, the future will also be like be wall blocking general, luck can not be developed. 3: every corner cut seat seat should not be asymmetrical aisle and seat to cut.
90. A: There are four: floor exercise , vault , balance beam and asymmetrical bars.
More similar words: symmetrical, diametrically, obstetrical, metric, theatrical, metaphorically, electrical, do the trick, obstetrics, meretricious, hermetically, methodical, methodically, intricate, extricate, intricacy, chimerical, empirical, historical, hysterical, historically, hysterically, rhetorically, inextricably, categorically, rhetorical device, rhetorical question, metre, plummet, come true.