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Theatrical in a sentence

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Sentence count:181+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: histrionicsrepresentationtheatrical performanceSimilar words: electricaltheatrepatricianamphitheatrepediatricianmatriculationprickly heatintricateMeaning: [θɪ'ætrɪkl]  n. a performance of play. adj. 1. of or relating to the theater 2. suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater. 
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(1) The final scene was dismayingly lacking in theatrical effect.
(2) Acting with an amateur theatrical group can be fun.
(3) She began a torrid love affair with a theatrical designer.
(4) She always makes some theatrical gesture.
(5) Dance is a very theatrical art.
(6) She's well known in theatrical circles.
(7) The play contained all kinds of theatrical set pieces.
(8) I gave a theatrical bow and waved.
(9) She gave a theatrical sigh.
(10) The place had a certain gimcrack theatrical glamour.
(11) She's in with the theatrical crowd.
(12) The curtain has been rung down; the theatrical company are leaving here tomorrow.
(13) The young student from the theatrical school showed great prowess at acting in the play.
(14) Actors learn how to enunciate clearly in the theatrical college.
(15) We had witnessed one of the most outstanding theatrical performances of the decade.
(16) There was a theatrical air about the whole scene which had a great appeal for me.
(17) Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager's door.
(18) In a theatrical gesture Glass clamped his hand over his eyes.
(19) All played directly to his love of the theatrical.
(20) He saw girls at his Theatrical Club.
(21) The theatrical farce touches a nerve.
(22) And is a Broadway transfer the ultimate theatrical goal?
(23) A theatrical release would have been an added bonus.
(24) He uses low-tech theatrical devices to great effect.
(25) The costumes for Revelations were theatrical in their plainness.
(26) He was speaking in a stupid theatrical accent.
(27) These are the prizes given for the most outstanding British theatrical performances of the year.
(28) He hadn't seen the art galleries(, the museums — to say nothing of the theatrical district.
(29) The scenes between the sons, all witty repartee, came close to a spoof of stagey theatrical speech.
(30) During the International Festival it is used for apron-stage theatrical performances.
More similar words: electricaltheatrepatricianamphitheatrepediatricianmatriculationprickly heatintricateextricateempiricalhistoricalhystericalhistoricallyhystericallyrhetoricallyinextricablymetaphoricallyrhetorical devicerhetorical questionmatrixpatriotheatwheatcheatmatrimonypatriarchpatrimonytheaterpatriotismexpatriate
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