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Announce in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+8Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: broadcastdeclarenotifyproclaimreportstatetellSimilar words: announcementbouncecannotcannot helpmore often than notcounciluncertainuncertaintyMeaning: [ə'naʊns]  v. 1. make known; make an announcement 2. announce publicly or officially 3. give the names of 4. foreshadow or presage. 
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121. The magistrate said he would announce sentence after a two-hour recess; until then Gandhi would be released on bail.
122. Clinton was said to be ready to confer with Reno in person and announce his decision as early as Friday.
123. They called a news conference at Santa Anita on Thursday to announce that Cigar will be starring in a new series.
124. Frequently, the government will simply announce a new currency and guarantee that currency with some-thing of value,( like gold.
125. The words sounded like an impending cue to announce his lecture, but Stafford had only spoken for twenty-eight minutes.
126. Emap will immediately commence the search for a new Finance Director and will announce an appointment in due course.
127. Formerly it heralded special occasions and, it is said, will be blown to announce the coming of the Messiah.
128. And now, due to popular demand[], we can announce the arrival of the Megadisk!
129. Peres is expected to announce an exact date next week.
130. Worn-out truck tyres stacked in heaps announce the arrival in the village of the industrial era.
131. Every morning Weinstein would announce various good deeds over the p.a. system and she solicited prizes form local merchants and restaurants.
132. We will announce this early 2010 as our new service package that targets the SME's.
133. I am very pleased to announce a new partnership between Coventry University East Asian Film Society (CUEAFS) and online film blog Cine-Vue.
134. Authority noodles confirms for a while, Moncler Veste Homme, so as to announce my opinion.
135. The article introduced Heibei to save announce finally big freeway plan the experiment that collects fees again collect fees systematic model and soft hardware are formed.
136. Mr. Lee: Hi. I'm here for flight 513 to New York but I thought I heard the paging system announce that it is canceled. Is that true?
137. An increasing number of interior professionals announce scads of supply and demand information on the website as well as recruitments and job seeking.
138. He is intelligent, funny, surprising and brave — exactly like Bilbo and I feel incredibly proud to be able to announce that he is our Hobbit.
139. Great Pyrenees also make effective watch dogs and will loudly announce the presence of any visitors or unusual traffic.
140. Yesterday, the Zhejiang Province food drugs supervised the administrative bureau to announce greatly to have been able Le the Si pharmaceutical industry Limited company's gradualness survey result.
141. For its first meeting, announce the audit objective, method, procedure, dates and related matters.
142. We are excited to announce that 'Signs from Above', co-authored by Doreen and Charles Virtue is coming out in English (Hay House US) and German (KOHA Verlag) in January 2009.
143. Actress Mo'Nique (L) and Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences President Tom Sherak (R) announce the nominees for the 83rd annual Academy Awards in Beverly Hills, California January 25, 2011.
144. I'm here for flight 513 to New York but I thought I heard the paging system announce that it is canceled.
145. They're also showing posing in sinister black face masks to announce the slaughter of their hostages, a scene chillingly familiar to those who have watched such film statements for real.
146. A few moments later, he returned with an altar-boy carrying a crucifix, and a sacristan who walked before them ringing a bell to announce that the Lord was coming to the house of the dying woman.
147. Europe's top appeals court will announce its decision Sept. 17 on Microsoft's appeal of Europe's largest antitrust case ever.
148. Damon Lindelof, one of the show's creators, says getting ABC to announce an end date for "Lost" 3 years in advance, gave them time to carefully craft the plot line leading to the finale.
149. PayPal, Inc. is pleased to announce that we are preparing to open a new regional headquarters, PayPal Private Limited, a PayPal group company incorporated in Singapore.
150. In a statement later Sunday, Mr. Pistole struck a less strict tone though he didn't announce any alteration to the policy.
More similar words: announcementbouncecannotcannot helpmore often than notcounciluncertainuncertaintyround and roundrun outin no wayburn outenoughturn outeven nowheinousrun out ofin no timewannaannualmannerindigenousannuallyplannerchannelinnovationinnovativeplanningpunchuncle
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