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Valence in a sentence

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Sentence count:140Posted:2017-07-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: prevalenceequivalenceambivalencevalence electronequivalence pointequivalencymalevolenceconvalescenceMeaning: ['veɪləns]  n. 1. (biology) a relative capacity to unite or react or interact as with antigens or a biological substrate 2. (chemistry) a property of atoms or radicals; their combining power given in terms of the number of hydrogen atoms (or the equivalent). 
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121, Valence Number of bonds (see bonding) an atom can form.
122, Stumpage produces the commodity that becomes independent as to produce a course, completely possible, conditional execute forest valence.
123, This paper discusses the emergence and omission of prepositions and the substitutions of hidden Chinese prepositions by using Case grammar, Valence grammar and Argument theory.
124, It is found that in a high electric field electrons can transit from the valence band to the conduction band, which is demonstrated to be Zener tunneling in organic semiconductors.
125, Result:The valence of antibody showing no difference between two methods, but the results were easier observed in microcylinder agglutinative reagent them in traditional one.
126, The secondary valence is directed toward fixed positions in space.
127, Natural sand adsorbed viruses increasing with the presence of metal cations, their contents and valence, but this positive role was not clear to modified sand adsorption viruses.
128, So, using our simple valence bond theory, what we would expect is that we want to pair up any unpaired electrons in methane with unpaired electrons from hydrogen and form bonds.
129, The physical model for anodic bonding is constructed base on valence bond theory, and the essence relationship between bond result and circuit character is obtained.
130, By calculating the number of valence electron shell, we can gain the geometry array of the electronic pair, and then judge the molecular structures.
131, Yeah, so also 4. We started with 10 valence electrons, we used up 6 of those as bonding electrons, so we have 4 left, which will be lone pair electrons.
132, We have to account for that in some way because we know that they don't have identical average valence electron energies.
133, For the sulfur, we start off with 6 valence electrons, minus 4 lone pair electrons, minus 2, taking in account our bonding electrons,[] so we end up with a formal charge of 0.
134, Therefore, the back of "anti appreciation" and"fine - tune valence" may hide "leave offer" and"crazy super - item " rejector very much, the consumer must caution to guard against.
135, The variables to which the obligatory participants in the scene correspond in the dictionary definitions or in the metalanguage definitions is called the semantic valence of the predicate.
136, Hole - Similar to a positive charge, this is caused by the absence of a valence electron.
137, The tombstone expects to register a data inside community 25 strategic investor submissions, 14 strategic investors pay Jing valence handsel.
138, In other words, if the average energy of all the valence electrons.
139, By this method, the seawater intrusion degree can be classified according to the different ionic valence molar concentration percentage of eight ions in the total ionic valence molar concentration.
140, The acceptor atoms are required to have one less valence electron than the semiconductor.
More similar words: prevalenceequivalenceambivalencevalence electronequivalence pointequivalencymalevolenceconvalescenceprevalentvalentineequivalentambivalentcovalent bondsilenceopulenceviolencesilencerinsolencein silenceindolenceturbulencecondolenceexcellencesomnolencenonviolencetruculencepestilencecorpulencecoalescencebenevolence
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