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Unwanted in a sentence

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Sentence count:198+10Posted:2017-09-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: unwarrantedwantedunwontedrunwayunwaryplantedslantedchantedMeaning: adj. 1. not wanted; not needed 2. interfering. 
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91. The reason: fewer unwanted pregnancies and thus fewer incomplete abortions.
92. The pill was once expected to limit the number of unwanted pregnancies, but instead the number has soared.
93. Once the fear of unwanted pregnancy is past there is greater freedom to enjoy it.
94. To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances.
95. Paying a mortgage trader much more than a treasury trader made the treasury trader feel unwanted.
96. The loch also seems to have been used as a dumping place for unwanted kitchen utensils.
97. Dealing with large volumes of unwanted straw remains one of the biggest headaches for many growers.
98. It also deflects unwanted air from passing the skeg which, as we shall see, is important at high speeds.
99. "Web police" are often able to determine the exact source of unwanted mailings on the Internet.
100. An unwanted component can sometimes be present at long intervals, and this can be very troublesome.
101. Inhibition Inhibition is an unwanted feeling that frequently spills over into behaviour.
102. This does not necessarily mean sick animals - many are perfectly healthy,( just unwanted.
103. Any unwanted guest soon found himself bundled down to one of the lower floors.
104. Whilst some welcome the opportunity of early retirement, others see it as an unwanted imposition on their lives.
105. Often, you have to get unwanted junk mail before you can block it-an unhappy chore at best.
106. As unwanted pregnancies can so easily be avoided by abortion and contraception, why is illegitimacy now so high?
107. Philip Crowson, economic adviser to Rio Tinto-Zinc, points out that stockpiles can have unwanted side effects.
108. This allows the unwanted sediment to be expelled with relative ease.
109. Please support us by providing bric-a-brac, clothes, unwanted but saleable articles, etc.
110. Contextual logic may help to eliminate unwanted uses of homographs. 3.
111. The only way to ensure that the unwanted behaviour does not reappear is to keep it dampened down by more punishments.
112. There is even a bird-enticing mere built especially for them, with islands, and high banks to keep out unwanted humans.
113. White fluorescent light increases the rate of growth of this plant while apparently not encouraging unwanted algae formation.
114. But in recessionary times, the number of unwanted cats has grown.
115. The Hospitality Inn was looking for a worthy home for unwanted furniture and bedding after refurbishment.
116. The operating system itself would have the ability to purge unused and unwanted programs.
117. The United States is a vast country with literally hundreds of square miles of land, unwanted and unused.
118. An unwanted clump can be pulled up, and its roots and leaves dried for later use.
119. If I can make these changes, I can be freed from my captivity to unwanted stress.
120. Sad excuse for a car park, and soil left unwanted after an archaeological dig.
More similar words: unwarrantedwantedunwontedrunwayunwaryplantedslantedchantedgrantedgunwaleantedateimplantedwarrantedenchantedcovenantedunwaveringgranted thatantediluviandisenchantedtake for grantedtaken for grantedwantwantscontentedlydiscontentedwantonwant adcontentedwantingwantage
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  • Willie 2023-02-28 17:21:18
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  • me 2023-02-26 07:20:12
  • Marcos 2023-02-24 15:54:37
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  • Felipe 2023-02-24 03:40:58
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  • Jaun 2023-02-23 21:42:06
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  • una chica 2023-02-23 16:49:17
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  • me 2022-04-17 17:23:35
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