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Unavoidable in a sentence

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Sentence count:159+4Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: certaininescapableinevitablesureAntonym: avoidableSimilar words: avoidableavoidanceformidableavoidreadablelaudableaffordableunableMeaning: [‚ʌnə'vɔɪdəbl]  adj. impossible to avoid or evade:"inescapable conclusion". 
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91 Software rot is unavoidable, but programmers who fail to take conceptual integrity into consideration create software that rots so so fast that it becomes worthless before it is even completed.
92 Thus the tasty new banana was spared from an otherwise unavoidable evolutionary dead-end.
93 Petrification is an unavoidable problem in the study of foreign languages and is also the difficult problem to overcome in the process of teaching and learning.
94 Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
95 The awareness and mastering to simulated tone colour in the performance of Chinese piano music works is an unavoidable question.
96 It is most practical, and in most cases unavoidable to use fast spooling NG power plants to complement Wind.
97 So, it is unavoidable to appear the production of art, the vulgarization of spirit.
98 Realizing single production and fine division of work around the world is an unavoidable tendency.
99 It is free that the search looks[], but actually unavoidable cost.
100 Conclusion:16-slice spiral CT could be used in noninvasive assessment of significant coronary artery stenoses with high accuracy. The limit was unavoidable artifacts.
101 But different cloth art product, effect of its style, modelling, illuminative will be very different, this is unavoidable give a person dazzling sense.
102 It is nothing, mostly that day is New Year's Day, the first of 2007...evection out ...unavoidable feel some lose...
103 During mine development and coal extraction, it is unavoidable to approach and disclose or touch the aquifers (water body). Mine water flood has been one of the biggest hidden troubles of accidents.
104 Pain is acute chest pain, an unavoidable disease in daily life.
105 Our reaction to software as sentient is both unconscious and unavoidable.
106 As spans increase this will become unavoidable for the internal rooms.
107 Thermal pollution is an inevitable concomitant of power generation-an unavoidable implication of the second law of thermodynamics.
108 It may have been an unavoidable reason , like problems at home or incapacitation .
109 Fender - benders are unavoidable in Taipei,( even when your car is parked.
110 Thermal pollution is an concomitant of power generation - an unavoidable implication of the second law of thermodynamics.
111 If it is unavoidable be-cause of work, cars can be parked on the temporary parking zone.
112 It was his message to the world—and to me—in unavoidable, stick-on, six-color plastic.
113 The establishment of a modern over-the-counter market is an unavoidable way of building a multi-level stock market system in China.
114 As a large transportation company, energy consuming and pollution discharge in an unavoidable environmental issue.
115 Scab is unavoidable in the process of high - pressure digestion.
116 Good demulsibility promotes quick water separation. If water is an unavoidable contaminant, thereby ensuring effective lubrication.
117 Before each commodity send out the goods, has the process specialist's reorganization and inspection, as in packaging, is unavoidable to have some crimple, seek for your understanding.
118 Non-immune health care workers should not be working with infected patients. However, if this practice is unavoidable, N-95 or equivalent masks should be used.
119 Flight delay unavoidable in the air transport. Dissensions caused by flight delays rise at times.
120 A parting is unavoidable, as you are sure to be on his side in this division.
More similar words: avoidableavoidanceformidableavoidreadablelaudableaffordableunabledependablecommendablefavourablefavorablebiodegradableunderstandableunfavourableunfavorableunalterableunalienableunacceptableunattainableunassailableunaccountablevoiddevoidnull and voidunavailingaid and abettabloiddabbleable
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