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Terrestrial in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+2Posted:2017-03-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: celestialSimilar words: extraterrestrialtrial and errorindustrialequestrianpedestrianrestrictindustrializerestrictionMeaning: [tɪ'restrɪəl]  adj. 1. of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air 2. of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants 3. operating or living or growing on land 4. concerned with the world or worldly matters 5. of this earth. 
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91. It is filled with coal formation of late Mesozoic terrestrial facies clastic rock and bentonite.
92. They are known as terrestrial or earthlike planets because of their similar size and composition.
93. In digital terrestrial television system, there is much burst and random noise in the broadcasting channel, and burst noise is more harmfully than random noise.
94. She's also interested in determining what conditions other than a liquid ocean might help initiate life on a terrestrial planet.
95. For terrestrial digital TV or digital satellite broadcasting for the film.
96. Shelf fungus are a large group of terrestrial fungi in the family of Polypores.
97. There are basically four astronomical methods to establish time: transits, equal altitudes, single altitude or zenith distance, and disappearance of a star behind a terrestrial object.
98. Paphiopedilum sp. (NT$1.00): A terrestrial orchid with a monopodial growth habit. Its leaves are thin and soft. It has no pseudobulb and it is relatively intolerant of drought.
99. Sheppard, Jewitt's former graduate student, recently became a Hubble postdoctoral fellow in the department of terrestrial magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
100. Terrestrial ecosystem includes farmland, forest and rangeland, and aquatic ecosystem includes inshore, rivers and lakes.
101. Terrestrial stress is a main control on hydrostatic head of reservoir, and its gradient powers oil, gas and water migration.
102. Last month Mr Mohseni launched a satellite news channel broadcasting round the clock in Dari and Pashto. He hopes to distribute it on terrestrial television soon.
103. Kerogen type is mainly humic, and terrestrial higher plants are the petrologen.
104. Concepts that seem likely to contribute to terrestrial agriculture will be identified.
105. Now the total number of extrasolar planets discovered up to more than 700, as defined in "terrestrial planet" standard is too narrow, most of the planet have been excluded.
106. "We have been calling Vesta the smallest terrestrial planet, " Chris Russell, Dawn's principal investigator, said at the news conference.
107. The user generates the baseband signal which is routed to the earth station through the terrestrial network.
108. But did you ever notice anyone try to open the terrestrial bivalve with a typewriter?
109. Those ideas about terrestrial planet formation and habitability of terrestrial planets will need to be re-evaluated from scratch.
110. In chinese national standard for Digital Multimedia Terrestrial Broadcasting(DMB-T)(, QC irregular LDPC code is used as forward error correction coding.
111. Any of numerous small terrestrial orchids of the genera Liparis and Listera, having usually two basal leaves and a terminal cluster of greenish or purplish flowers.
112. But the nickel disappearance is one more clue about how the planet went from suffocating to a place where a terrestrial tetrapod could take a deep breath.
113. Seasonal variation of soil biomass plays an important role in the carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystem.
114. As digital television transmission of digital terrestrial broadcasting, in 2006 China put forward an independent national standards for DMB-TH.
115. Respiration and vascular system: aquatic breathers use pharyngeal gill-slits with gills; terrestrial forms respire using lungs. Usually a closed,( high-pressure vascular system with a ventral heart.
116. Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf.
117. Terrestrial planets could reside inside the innermost asteroid belt as well, though there currently is no clear indication of that, Marengo said.
118. Does outside outer space still have the terrestrial celestial body of image?
119. This make person it with terrestrial magnetism abnormality the contact is together.
120. The various theories can be grouped into astronomical and terrestrial hypotheses.
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