Synonym: trifle, triviality. Similar words: technical, technician, technological, technique, mechanical, technology, quality, clinical. Meaning: [‚teknɪ'kælətɪ] n. a detail that is considered insignificant.
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1) He was disqualified from the competition on a technicality.
2) She was released on a technicality .
3) The proposal was rejected on a technicality .
4) The earlier verdict was overturned on a legal technicality.
5) The court case turned upon a technicality of company law.
6) Walls won the fishing tournament on a technicality.
7) But the case was dropped on a technicality.
8) This went beyond a legal technicality, Susan realised.
9) The vote was declared invalid because of a technicality.
10) While the convictions were overturned on a technicality, Warner argued that the felonies made him unsuitable for the Senate.
11) In Regina v Widdowson,( a legal technicality saves the defendant - rather luckily - from a criminal indictment. 1.
12) It is protected from public scrutiny by the technicality of its jargon.
13) Baxter was released on a technicality because his" offence " was committed in the city, and only a city judge had the authority to sign the warrant.
14) Technicality Libel law has been allowed to become extremely complex.
15) It is perhaps a technicality whether a certain part of the storage space is to be regarded as internal or external.
16) Widdowson appealed against conviction on the technicality that obtaining hire-purchase did not amount to obtaining services.
17) The row centres on a technicality - whether the proper testing procedure was carried out.
18) The court was forced to release him on a technicality.
19) The case against him had to be dropped because of a legal technicality.
20) She left the court a free woman after the case against her collapsed because of a legal technicality.
21) A City of London County Court judge rejected the jail application on a legal technicality.
22) When the psycho is caught, then let go on a technicality, Mom takes matters into her own hands.
23) Suspected of murdering his wife(, Krane got off on a technicality and is now obsessed with proving his innocence.
24) But the issue penetrates, or ought to, rather deeper than the fine weave of legal technicality.
25) Although a few prominent antislavery spokesmen were arrested, they were subsequently acquitted on a technicality.
26) Ershad's trial had been scheduled to open on Feb. 16, but was postponed for a month on a technicality.
27) If he didn't, some clever lawyer would get the boy off on a technicality.
28) He became disillusioned with law after losing a case due to a technicality.
29) Hatch started off demonizing a Clinton appointee who let four likely cocaine dealers free on an iffy technicality.
30) He thinks the issue could be revisited through a legal technicality.
More similar words: technical, technician, technological, technique, mechanical, technology, quality, clinical, ironically, sexuality, mortality, conviviality, originality, political, essentiality, politically, political party, ethnic, mechanic, a little, coalition, polity, communicate, validity, agility, ability, utility, qualitative, incommunicado, fidelity.