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Stoic in a sentence

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Sentence count:48+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Stoicstoicalunemotional personSimilar words: voicechoicerejoicetoiletpatoisabattoirtortoiserepertoireMeaning: ['stəʊɪk]  n. 1. a member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno 2. someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions. adj. 1. seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive 2. pertaining to Stoicism or its followers. 
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1. He showed a stoic resignation towards his fate.
2. The kids of Kobe try to be as stoic as their parents in this tragic situation.
3. My father is a stoic by nature and found it hard to express his grief when my mother died.
4. The Stoic tradition also reflected diverse perspectives.
5. Spider shrugged it off reluctantly, his tone stoic.
6. He accepted our fate like a stoic and refused to make a fuss.
7. There is something stoic and self-contained about Rita but something warm and friendly as well.
8. But this is a bleak, stoic, death-wish kind of automation, with no hope of being great again.
9. It was only late in January that Primorye's stoic population began to protest.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. Leonus did not answer, but instead remained stoic.
11. Stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.
12. A Stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.
13. Her stoic compliance embarrassed me.
14. He is a famous Stoic philosopher.
15. West logic includes Aristotelian categorical logic and Stoic propositional logic in ancient time and modern mathematic logic.
16. We revere our stoic American archetypes, like the Wild West gunslinger riddled by half a dozen slugs of lead who swears, "Aw heck, Doc(, it's only a scratch."
17. He's criticized for his stoic personality. They say he doesn't even smile on his birthday.
18. Pioneer studies of indexicalities came from Stoic school of ancient Greece, but Pierce didn't present the official"indexical expressions" until the late 19th century.
19. Denmark is a place where stoic locals wear sensible shoes and snack on herring sandwiches.
20. We knew she must be in pain, despite her stoic attitude.
21. Blanche thought she was frightful but listened to her breathless monologues with stoic patience.
22. His discomfort was extreme and obvious, but he did his best to ignore the pain in his usual stoic manner.
23. She the heroine entrapped by family expectations; he a faithful and stoic, if unimaginative hero.
24. What would he have had if he'd played the stoic?
25. Her friends begged her to wear one of their castaways, but the stoic Eleanor refused.
26. ZAKARIA: You have said that you have read the works of Marcus Aurelius 100 times. Marcus Aurelius is a famous Stoic philosopher.
27. Its depiction of a strange and harsh society and its portrait of the stoic mother, O-lan, connected with the fears of ordinary Americans in the Depression.
28. His view on friendship embodies strong political color and Stoic p.
29. Furthermore, of course, when it comes to indulging and tolerance, stoic often catch themselves into dilemma.
30. An economy until recently dependent on peasant farming in harsh latitudes has shaped a stoic national character and an appetite for self-improvement.
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