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Stench in a sentence

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Sentence count:107+3Posted:2017-01-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: fetorfoetormalodormalodourmephitisreekstinkSimilar words: existencesubsistenceconsistencybenchquenchwrenchdrenchFrenchMeaning: [stentʃ]  n. a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant. 
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31. The stench from the sink is almost unbearable, the sour odour of vomit, half-digested food and beer.
32. The stench from the carcass filled the Chamber; a pungent mixture of sewage and vanilla.
33. She felt an icy wind howl over her, a graveyard stench enter her throat, a chill finger touch her cheek.
34. Along with that sound goes the overpowering stench of mendacity and cant.
35. As the hand was held on the blazing ring, the stench of burning flesh was clearly noticeable in the hot air.
36. All around, thousands of their compatriots waited in pitiful food queues as the stench of raw sewage hung over Trnopolje.
37. He needed a bath and quickly, he imagined he could smell smoke and the sour stench of sweat from his skin.
38. Just inhaling the thick stench down here can fill a person with incurable disease.
39. The stench of the fuel floated above the pond Monday and rainbow slicks could be seen near its mouth.
40. Vulcan, agitated by dark shapes in the night and inflamed by the stench of blood[], was driven to fury.
41. The stench of damp that enveloped her was noxious; she tried to take short breaths.
42. The stench and the bloody process we watched put me off tinned fish for many months.
43. Magee wrinkled his nose at the stench the old man was giving off.
44. She almost choked on the stench of damp grain blowing up the hill.
45. The stench of the floor was close to him, the smell of vomit and of urine.
46. They walked on, wandering through a warren of tortuous passageways where the noise and stench grasped Athelstan by the throat.
47. The streets were filled with the stench of decaying corpses.
47. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
48. The stench filled the street, making shopping very unpleasant, and Environmental Health Officers received numerous complaints.
49. It's impossible to get the stench out of one's clothing until it is thoroughly washed.
50. He screwed up his face at the appalling stench but made no move to draw back.
51. A faint, stale aroma like the residue of sweat - the city's stench seeping in.
52. It was nothing but the stench of dead, rotting rats and of bats' dung.
53. Nevertheless, he could almost smell the stench of fear: the house was too quiet.
54. Was she unnerved by the way Mary kept staring at her, or by the faint dead stench?
55. It is said that the stench is so appalling that no one can go near them now.
56. The stench is so powerful that you feel - and sometimes are - violently sick.
57. The stench from the latrine and people who had not bathed in a long time was unbearable.
58. The editorial scoffed at worries from neighbors about pollution, stench, and falling property values.
59. It has an all-pervading stench of goat and rotting peaches.
60. I couldn't bear to go in the room with its stench of beer and vomit.
More similar words: existencesubsistenceconsistencybenchquenchwrenchdrenchFrenchquenchedpenchantentrenchtrenchantentrenchedenchantmentfastenlistenpotencydistendglistentendencysentencelistenerlisten topenitencepersistentnonexistentconsistentglisteningabstentionostensible
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