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Speed in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+79Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accelerateamphetaminebelt alongbucket alongcannonball alongf numberfastnessfocal ratiohastenhiehotfoothurryhurryingpelt alongpep pillquickenracerushrush alongspeed upspeedingstop numberswiftnesstravel rapidlyuppervelocityzipSimilar words: speed upat full speedpeerpeelweedneedexceedfeed onMeaning: [spɪːd]  n. 1. distance travelled per unit time 2. a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens 3. changing location rapidly 4. the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system 5. a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression. v. 1. step on it 2. move faster 3. travel at an excessive or illegal velocity 4. move very fast 5. cause to move faster. 
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151. Yes, her speed was quite good, considering.
152. It might speed things up if you phone them.
153. The car is quite noisy at speed.
154. His speed allows him to easily dribble past defenders.
155. The driver reduced the driving speed.
156. The slope added impetus to his speed.
157. The train flashed by at high speed.
158. The speed limit is strictly enforced on urban roads.
159. She was driving at well over the speed limit.
160. Airliners now cruise the ocean at great speed.
161. A car ran past at full speed.
162. The car's speed was reduced by air/wind resistance.
163. He was driving at well over the speed limit.
164. Colin rounded the corner at high speed.
165. This car manoeuvres well at high speed.
166. a top speed of about 20 knots.
167. Lower speed limits are part of a new road safety campaign.
168. The new speed limit does not solve the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.
169. Our car was driving at a breathtaking speed down the expressway.
170. A rule says that the height of a wave will usually be no more than one-tenth of the wind's speed .
171. It's very dangerous to drive at high speed when the roads are wet.
172. He estimated the speed of the winds from the degree of damage.
173. Many motor accidents are the result of unthinkingly mixing speed and alcohol.
174. She qualified for a spot on the U.S. Olympic speed skating team.
175. Don't drive so fast! You must keep within the speed limit.
176. Everyone was surprised by the speed with which the dispute was settled.
177. Sounding the car's horn,( she drove at high speed through the crowded streets.
178. " The hell with, " Pilar raged. " It is speed that counts. ”
179. She put on an impressive turn of speed to overtake the others.
180. The engine shuts off automatically when the desired speed is reached.
More similar words: speed upat full speedpeerpeelweedneedexceedfeed onneedleweed outproceedfeedbacksucceed inspendwhisperspeakspellaspectspeciesspeak forspecifyspeak upsuspendspecialsuspectspeakerspecificspendingprospectdesperate
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