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Speed in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+79Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accelerateamphetaminebelt alongbucket alongcannonball alongf numberfastnessfocal ratiohastenhiehotfoothurryhurryingpelt alongpep pillquickenracerushrush alongspeed upspeedingstop numberswiftnesstravel rapidlyuppervelocityzipSimilar words: speed upat full speedpeerpeelweedneedexceedfeed onMeaning: [spɪːd]  n. 1. distance travelled per unit time 2. a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens 3. changing location rapidly 4. the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system 5. a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression. v. 1. step on it 2. move faster 3. travel at an excessive or illegal velocity 4. move very fast 5. cause to move faster. 
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121. The train thundered through the station at top speed.
122. John will bring you up to speed .
123. She looked at the dial to check her speed.
124. The speed at which everything moved felt strange.
125. They work with an unbelievable speed.
126. The train was approaching at high speed .
127. Slack off your speed as you approach the corner.
128. The tennis player's speed is his great asset.
129. We drove along at a terrific speed.
130. He was breaking the speed limit .
131. Can you try and speed things up a bit?
132. This system helps speed up access times.
133. We wondered at the speed with which it arrived.
134. The new system will speed up the registration process.
135. The plane was flying upside down at high speed.
136. It's dangerous to go round corners at speed.
137. He drove away at breakneck speed.
138. The workers have timed the speed of the machine.
139. Trains can't rival aircraft for speed.
140. The police car drove past at a terrific speed.
141. She was on speed at the time.
142. The new model delivers speed and fuel economy.
143. Speed is his greatest asset as a tennis player.
144. Hedgehogs, though small, can move with surprising speed.
145. The truck was travelling at a fairly constant speed.
146. The speed limit is 30 miles an/per hour.
147. The hummingbird beats its wings at great speed.
147. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
148. I forgot that there's a speed limit here.
149. Its speed varies from 20 mph to 35 mph.
150. Speed was a variable in the experiment.
More similar words: speed upat full speedpeerpeelweedneedexceedfeed onneedleweed outproceedfeedbacksucceed inspendwhisperspeakspellaspectspeciesspeak forspecifyspeak upsuspendspecialsuspectspeakerspecificspendingprospectdesperate
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