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Soluble in a sentence

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Sentence count:296+4Posted:2016-09-09Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: unsolvableSimilar words: volubleresolutiondoubletroubletroubleddouble updouble backvolumeMeaning: ['sɑljəbl /'sɒljʊbl]  adj. 1. (of a substance) capable of being dissolved in some solvent (usually water) 2. susceptible of solution or of being solved or explained. 
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211. The SDS-PAGE of soluble protein revealed that the protein bands were increased during chilly treatment, but this change did not occur in thylakoid membrane proteins.
212. Aragonite and magnesium calcite are more soluble than normal calcite.
213. Methods:Monoclonal and poly - clonal dual antibody sandwich method was used to assay the levels of serum interleukin - 2 (IL - 2 ) and soluble interleukin - 2 receptor (SIL - 2R) .
214. Water - soluble conducting polyanilines have important potential applications in areas of anti - corrosion coatings, electromagnetic shielding, biomedicine etc.
215. The contents of soluble sugar, reduced sugar, sucrose and dissolubility protein are firstly decreased collectively but increased at anaphase in the growing periods of eggplant fruits.
215. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
216. By contrast, cholesterol-lowering soluble fibres such as sugar gum, psyllium and oat bran appear to have no effect on triglycerides .
217. The preparation techniques of diacetone acrylamide were introduced. The main applications, especially applied in acrylate polymer emulsion and water soluble copolymers, were described.
218. The vigour of root, osmolarity of cell, protein content, soluble sugar content and praline content were studied after seedling root of soybean were treated by toxin from Fusarium oxysporum.
219. "The results of our study support the routine use of soluble fibers in the diets of adult patients with and without hypercholesterolemia , " the review authors conclude.
220. Thiopental is highly lipid soluble and rapidly distributes to the brain after single IV injection.
221. Through the process of retorting or roast drying, in vitro soluble calcium of backbone increased by 50% than that of steamed fish.
222. It is insoluble in carbon disulphide[], soluble in hot aniline and phenol.
223. It was divide as alcohol - soluble , hot - fusible and Copolyamide powder.
224. PAAS is innoxious and soluble in water, it can be used in situations of alkaline and high concentration without scale sediment.
225. Description:White crystalline lumps, soluble in water. It should be kept in a sealed container, as it is highly deliquescent.
226. AIM: To form soluble HLA-G1-peptide complex by refolding in vitro, and study its immune function.
227. Extraction processes for water soluble alkaloids from Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel with various mixed solvent systems were described.
228. Moreover, we have correlated the function of S-99 soluble styptic gauze with animal experiments, styptic method and its advantage.
229. The synthesis of nanoporous silica gel using nonionic surfactant as template and soluble glass and acid as raw material was studied. The removal of templates is an important process.
230. Using water soluble PVA ( polyvinyl fibre ) manufacture super weight worsted fabric, it can improve production's quality and price.
231. Silicon is present in beer in the soluble form of orthosilicic acid (OSA), up to half of which can be absorbed by the body making beer a major contributor to silicon intake in the Western diet.
232. A white or almost white power, slightly hygroscopic freely soluble in water, very soluble in alcohol, practically in soluble in ether and in methylene chloride .
233. Albumin( Albumen): Natural protein, soluble in water and most commonly found in the Albumins, the colloid used for certain dichromated sensitizes employed in photomechanical process.
234. The formulation of water soluble and aqueous emulsion epoxy coatings were discussed, e. g the functions and selection of crosslinkers, co-solvents, filler and pigments and additives.
235. Description: Crystalline lumps pink or gray hued . It is highly hydroscopic and readily soluble in water.
236. The soluble VEGI was tested for its inhibition of proliferation on ECV304 and for its inhibition of angiogenesis in rabbit cornea induced by LPS and in chick chorioallantoic membrane(CAM).
237. A new kind of water soluble thioxanthone photoinitiator is prepared. This compound is identified by UV, IR, NMR et al.
238. The polymyxin B sulphate is available as a freeze-dried powder freely soluble in saline solution in vial containing 500,000 units potency.
239. The chemical nutritive components of China's Germplasmas of Amorphophallus resources are principally amylum, glucosan, soluble sugar, etc.
240. Objective To study the relationship between soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor (STNFR) 1,2 and insulin resistance (IR).
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