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Socialized in a sentence

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Sentence count:59+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: socializespecializecommercializesocialsociallydemoralizedantisocialsocial contractMeaning: ['səʊʃəlaɪz]  adj. under group or government control. 
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(1) Girls are socialized into appropriate 'feminine' behavior.
(2) You may have been socialized to do as you are told.
(3) And that might help them become better socialized.
(4) The process by which a individual becomes politically socialized is a complex one.
(5) They are also privatizing substantial portions of their socialized economies.
(6) He observes, Those of us socialized in modern societies generally maintain an irrationally uncritical attitude toward new technologies.
(7) Unlike Beattie, who was socialized into evangelicalism and unionism, Ivan Foster was recruited after a more dramatic conversion.
(8) Julia Grant socialized with robber barons and was vilified for her role in a gold-market scandal.
(9) Children have to be socialized in school.
(10) Children are socialized according to a given cultural pattern.
(11) Shyness or suspiciousness when not socialized enough.
(12) The children must be properly socialized.
(13) Health care should be socialized!
(14) Socialized labor division brings about internal efficiency in integrated units while external inefficacy among integrated units.
(15) Socialized medicine will ruin medicine in the United States. - Thank you(, Mayor.
(16) Many Americans disapprove of the socialized medicine of Canada and Europe.
(17) During his first Inaugural Address, he declared that "government is the problem, " but he did not try to dismantle the "socialized medicine" program he had begun his political career railing against.
(18) It was called "Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine, " and the American Medical Association distributed it to its members.
(19) As a socialized man, we need true riches to satisfy our physical and spiritual desires.
(20) The party logistics is a socialized and specialized logistics organization with obvious economy of scale.
(21) It distressed her that she and Charles no longer socialized with old friends.
(22) People are inducted into it just as they are socialized into nonpolitical roles and social systems.
(23) Still, they did a lot for working people-even got socialized medicine in the late 1940s.
(24) All this happens as the child is gradually subjected to ever more critical attitudes as he is being socialized.
(25) To Freud man is a social animal without being entirely a socialized animal.
(26) With the establishing of market economy, the processing has socialized, the civil society is more and more becoming a completely new analyzable category during the current state.
(27) The author upholds the viewpoint of state allocation that state public finance should fulfill its socialized allocation function and made perfect opinions for budget allocation.
(28) Alsoarticle analyzes the file intermediary organization and the file association which participate with the socialized management.
(29) We just have an outrageously bloated and inefficient system of socialized medicine, because there are hospitals in America where anyone can go and get treatment.
(30) Finally, opponents of health reform warn that this is all some big plot for socialized medicine or government-run health care...
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