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Home > Smell out in a sentence

Smell out in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: smell ofsell outall outpull outroll outgo all outfill outhelloMeaning: v. recognize or detect by or as if by smelling. 
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(1) The dog will smell out a thief.
(2) They'll be able to smell out any corruption.
(3) They use dogs trained to smell out explosives.
(4) Specially - trained dogs can smell out drugs.
(5) He could always smell out fear.
(6) He says he can smell out trouble before it starts.
(7) At customs, dogs are used to smell out drugs in passengers' luggage.
(8) His nose can smell out a human or a Minpin or any other animal from ten miles away.
(9) Get the smell out of your clothes.
(10) He can smell out trouble.
(11) The police used dogs to smell out the criminals.
(12) He says he can smell out trouble before It'starts.
(13) He said he could smell out the mystery.
(14) Change waists - coat again me also can smell out your flavour!
(15) Once we smell out something unusual(, we should report it to the campus guard immediately.
(16) Other cities guest, need not say also can smell out its deep breath old flavour.
(17) Just entered a village, already from a smell out on quote card depreciating hot flavour.
(18) Dogs were prized for their ability to smell out animals.
(19) We can use the dog to smell out the drugs in their hiding place.
(20) And the other one, we've got an ionizer that,'s an industrialized one, and within three hours, we can pull the smell out of the room.
More similar words: smell ofsell outall outpull outroll outgo all outfill outhellotell onsell offyellowdwell onmeltharassmentassessmenthomelandhomelessextremelyflourcloudfeel outdeal outflourishcreduloustellsellbellwellyellshell
Total 20, 30 Per page  1/1 
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