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Sedative in a sentence

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Sentence count:101+2Posted:2017-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ataracticataraxicdepressantdownersedative drugtranquilisingtranquilizingSimilar words: sedatesedatedpredationnativenegativecreativeputativerelativeMeaning: ['sedətɪv]  n. a drug that reduces excitability and calms a person. adj. tending to soothe or tranquilize. 
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31. Like the sedative is stable, phenobarbital and so on.
32. Some are more stimulatory, others more sedative.
33. You'll fall asleep soon after you take this sedative.
34. Conclusion GLB possesses obvious sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsive effects.
35. Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative.
36. A colorless liquid polymer, C 6 H 12 O 3, of acetaldehyde, used as a solvent and a sedative.
37. A sedative or hypnotic drug, especially a barbiturate, in the form of a pill or capsule used to relieve insomnia.
38. Cinnamamide Compounds possess inhibition, hypnotic, Sedative and anticonvulsive activity in central nervous system.
38. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
39. ConclusionWuweizi Ningshen Oral Liquid possesses obvious sedative, hypnotic and anti - convulsion effects.
40. The invention discloses a substituted phenol for methylal phosphate anesthetic and sedative drugs and a preparation method thereof.
41. It has the functions in reduce blood fat, decrease blood pressure, anti-tumour, enhance immune system, sedative, acesodyne, protect heart, liver and blood vessel.
42. Objective To discuss the proper sedative and anterograde amnesia dosage of midazolam in epidural anaesthesia during lower abdominal and lower limb operation.
43. Result: The three groups were proposed received same sedative effects ( P & gt; 0.05 ), hemodynamics ( P & gt; 0.05 ).
44. Tasimelteon is not, in other words, merely acting as a sedative in the way that benzodiazepines such as diazepam and temazepam do.
45. Conclusions Intubation time was shorter in fast induction group and hemodynamic changes were more stable in sedative unmemorable, analgesia induction group.
46. Some diterpenoids isolated from Chinese Euphorbia species showed antitumor, antivirus, NGF-promoting, skin-irritating, tumor-promoting, analgesic and sedative activities.
47. Esters in aromatherapy bath body product works as a fungicide and a sedative.
48. Objective: To study the sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsive effects of Long Gu in mice.
49. Normal CPB were per formed afterwards to assist circulation, hyperbaric oxygenation(, sedative and large dosage corticoid therapy were used postoperatively.
50. Objective:To study the sedative hypnotic and anticonvulsant effects of pholidota chinensis lindl(PCL).
51. In those other summertimes, all motors were inboard; and when they were at a little distance, the noise they made was a sedative, an ingredient of summer sleep.
52. Objective : To observe sedative and hypnotic effects of Zishen Granule in mice.
53. Fexofenadine is a new antihistamine drug used to treat anaphylaxis and is not sedative and hypnotic.
54. Normal CPB were performed afterward to assist circulation. Sedative , dehydration , large dosage corticoid therapy and artificial hibernation were used postoperatively .
55. The doctor had to put him to sleep with a strong sedative.
56. Valerian is a safe and effective sedative with reliable results for most kids.
57. In many cases, a neuromuscular - blocking agent and a potent sedative are needed to facilitate intubation.
58. The pain began to ease up after she was given a sedative.
59. In the pharmacologic realm, intravenous midazolam has proven to have excellent sedative and anxiolytic properties (Table 77.1).
60. The invention relates to aralkyl piperidine derivatives, a compound thereof and an application in the preparation of a novel analgesic and sedative drug.
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