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Schedule in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+25Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: enumerateindexline uplistpostprogramslateSimilar words: on schedulebehind scheduleahead of scheduleschemeadultruleshedcredulousMeaning: ['skedʒʊl /'ʃedjuːl]  n. 1. a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to 2. an ordered list of times at which things are planned to occur. v. 1. plan for an activity or event 2. make a schedule; plan the time and place for events. 
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61. The project is right on schedule.
62. As usual, his schedule on Saturday was tight .
63. The film's budget dictated a tough schedule.
64. The training schedule wasn't very well thought out.
65. The attached schedule gives details of the shipment.
66. The train schedule was disorganized by heavy snow-storms.
67. We'll make allowances in the schedule for time off.
68. The strain of her work schedule became painfully evident as she jetted from New York to London and on to Milan.
69. He took time out of his busy schedule to visit us.
70. We raced against the clock so as to fulfill our production plan according to schedule.
71. The President has a punishing schedule for the next six months.
72. He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug.
73. We've slipped behind schedule.
74. Tell us how you fulfilled the heavy task ahead of schedule.
75. When we take our vacations is very much dictated by Greg's work schedule.
76. Programmes are running a few minutes behind schedule this evening.
77. At the last minute, they tacked on a couple of extra visits to my schedule.
78. Everyone lent a hand, so that the work was finished ahead of schedule.
79. Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV.
80. Today's schedule of events is organized flexibly so that people can decide for themselves what they want to do.Sentencedict
81. His secretary cocked up his travelling schedule and he's furious about it.
82. The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.
83. Many people have expressed serious doubts about the practicability of the proposed schedule for next year.
84. She hired a trainer to create a personalized exercise schedule to get her into shape.
85. The staff don't mind the new work schedule but they would jib at taking a cut in wages.
86. We expect the building work to be completed ahead of schedule.
87. We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.
88. Meeting you before the end of the month will be difficult, because I have a very cramped schedule until then.
89. I'm going to be working to a very tight schedule .
90. Rumour has it that the higher-ups want to push the schedule forward.
More similar words: on schedulebehind scheduleahead of scheduleschemeadultruleshedcredulousas a rulemoleculewashed outin the darkschoolscholarthe dark agesin schoolat schoolin the distancechewchefcheercheatcheekcheapchestafter schoolscholarshipdischargingthe death penaltyteacher
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