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Saint in a sentence

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Sentence count:296+6Posted:2016-10-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: angelapotheosiscanonisecanonizeenshrineholy manholy personidealnonesuchnonpareilnonsuchparagonSimilar words: maintainain'tfaintdaintypainterin the mainpaintworkcomplaintMeaning: [seɪnt]  n. 1. a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization 2. person of exceptional holiness 3. model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal. v. 1. hold sacred 2. declare (a dead person) to be a saint. 
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151, The exposed hands of the Saint, only slightly darker than normal, appear perfectly formed.
152, Why ask the taxpayers of Halifax or Saint John to subsidize a tourist attraction a thousand miles away?
153, She'd had Guy Saint Simon design the entire tour wardrobe.
154, If you're not blessed with the patience of a particularly well-disposed saint, look elsewhere.
155, My husband, who has the patience of a saint, has helped me a great deal.
156, The reliquary consists of the figure of the Saint from the head to the waist and is situated in an upright position.
157, Saint Subber expressed interest in Alvin and de Lavallade, who had danced the leads at the audition.
158, This was where people used to leave offerings to their saint.
159, He received it as if it were a precious relic a saint had just blessed, and folded it carefully.
160, I always thought she was a selfish woman but she was an absolute saint compared to Abigail.
161, My patron saint was Saint Jude, the patron of lost causes.
162, Andy Garcia stars as Jimmy the Saint, so called because he studied for the cloth before becoming a hood.
163, The book is dominated by three tremendous figures: Mahatma Gandhi, part saint, part humbug, and unrelated to Indira.
164, Fascinating Gubbio is best known as the place where Saint Francis tamed a ferocious wolf.
165, Her silly chatter would vex a saint.
166, Saint Theresa and Saint Jerome would be heretics.
167, Saint Augustine once tried to answer this question.
168, Castillo de San Marcos soon became Fort Saint Mark.
169, Irish abbess; a patron saint of Ireland.
169, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
170, Soon the legend of Saint Nicholas spread across Europe.
171, Saint Peter was one of Christ's followers.
172, Saint - Simon did not develop a distinctive sociology.
173, There are old stories about Saint Nicholas.
174, There once was a man named Saint Nicholas.
175, Saint Roman is the easternmost tip, bordering the Tenao.
176, Only I wish we have not got King Stork, instead of King Log, like the fabliau (fable) that the Clerk of Saint Lambert's used to read us out of Meister Aesop's book.
177, On the summit of Mount Saint Helens , however the real thing perfectly matched my expectations.
178, Irina Vinnik is a great artist from Saint Petersburg, Russia.
179, There seems to be an aura of holiness about the Indian saint.
180, They tried to cross a beagle with a Saint Bernard.
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