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Rubble in a sentence

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Sentence count:168+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: debrisdetritusdustjunkSimilar words: bubblestubblerubberrubbishshrubberyscrub brushrubber erasergobbleMeaning: ['rʌbl]  n. the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up. 
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1. Allied bombing reduced the city to ruins/rubble.
2. The building was reduced to a heap of rubble.
3. Thousands of bodies are still buried under the rubble.
4. The foundation of the house is built from rubble overlaid with concrete.
5. A massive earthquake reduced the city to rubble.
6. She was pinned under a pile of rubble.
7. The bomb reduced the houses to rubble .
8. The city was pounded to rubble during the war.
9. The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room.
10. She stood among the rubble left by the earthquake.
11. The bomb reduced the house to rubble.
12. Several people were trapped in the rubble.
13. Our car was buried somewhere under the rubble.
14. The school was reduced to rubble.
15. Police sifted through the rubble looking for clues.
16. There were piles of rubble everywhere.
17. Intensive bombing had reduced the city to rubble.
18. The house was reduced to a pile of rubble.
19. Many people were entombed in the rubble of the bombed buildings.
20. Rubble covered the pavement.
21. Michael pointed out to me that amongst the rubble, there was one building that remained untouched.
22. Rescue workers are digging through the rubble in search of other victims.
23. Police are still picking through the rubble looking for clues to the cause of the explosion.
24. The explosion reduced the church to a mass of rubble.
25. What was once a cottage was now a crumbling heap of rubble.
26. Local citizens worked side by side with emergency crews to pull their neighbors out of the rubble.
27. They're working against time to try and get people out of the rubble alive.
27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
28. Time is running out for the men trapped under the rubble.
29. All that remained of the old house was a pile of rubble.
30. It took them three hours to dig him out of the rubble.
More similar words: bubblestubblerubberrubbishshrubberyscrub brushrubber erasergobblehobbledabblenibblewobblecobbledquibbledribblebabblercobblergobble upscrabblesquabblerubrubydrubblubberrub outshrubscrubrub offstubbornrubric
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