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Republic in a sentence

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Sentence count:293+14Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: monarchySimilar words: Republicanpublicin publicpubliclypublicitypublicationthe general publicpublishMeaning: [rɪ'pʌblɪk]  n. 1. a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them 2. a form of government whose head of state is not a monarch. 
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151. The Federal Republic of Germany was the official name of West Germany.
152. Postage stamps from the famed, tiny republic of San Marino are very often bought as souvenirs or gifts.
153. The secondary sector in the Republic is hardly so simple in structure.
154. Their goal of restoring the power of the Church hid their aim of overthrowing the republic.
155. The electronic republic, therefore, has already started to redefine the traditional roles of citizenship and political leadership.
156. The court was confident that elements of direct democracy can coexist within the representative republic.
157. Then he wrote out a sizable check of his own and handed it to another Republic sportswriter.
158. An example of this can be taken from the recent contraception controversy in the Republic, which began in the 1960s.
159. Socialism does not work. Ask your dad or any citizen of the Soviet Republic..
160. In the early days of the Bonn Republic members of the higher courts freely invoked a revived Natural Law.
161. What would give cohesion to a republic that many feared would splinter?
162. The right wing put forward a united front with the clear aim of overthrowing the republic.
163. It is one conceived out of compromise and concession indispensable to the establishment of our federal republic.
164. To date I've not heard word one about such a plague in the Czech Republic.
165. Even the Republic had felt far from confident about forming a long-term colonial policy.
166. This was the first independent radio station in the republic and was to be run by the students' official youth organization.
167. Democratic reforms are beginning to take hold in this fledgling republic.
168. A 14-point programme was debated in an attempt to solve the situation in the republic.
169. It became a republic for a second time in 1968 and a full member of the Commonwealth in 1985.
170. Their power derives primarily from an active interest Republic affairs and a willingness to work hard for causes in which they believe.
171. Political supporters have been invited to White House functions since the beginning of the republic.
172. Deborah runs a job-training program at Republic Steel,[] to place steelworkers in new jobs.
173. He didn't go over to the Republic or see friends.
174. Leaders of the independent republic, therefore, turned to foreign nations for loans to cover the expenses of government.
175. Joel Nilsson is an editorial writer for the Arizona Republic.
176. All too soon it was over and we left feeling we had just scratched the surface of this fascinating Republic.
177. Is it a parody of the platonic republic, where politics, art and philosophy come together?
178. The guy has more titles than the leader of a banana republic.
179. He is expected to be inaugurated next week, becoming the first president to succeed his father in an Arab republic.
180. After this Rome became a republic which steadily expanded and absorbed the adjacent peoples and countryside.
More similar words: Republicanpublicin publicpubliclypublicitypublicationthe general publicpublishpublisherstep updeputykeep upkeep up withblinkdoubletroublevolublereplysiblingdouble uptroubledreportrepairreplaceclicksliceobliviousestablishdouble backreport on
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