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Republic in a sentence

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Sentence count:293+14Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: monarchySimilar words: Republicanpublicin publicpubliclypublicitypublicationthe general publicpublishMeaning: [rɪ'pʌblɪk]  n. 1. a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them 2. a form of government whose head of state is not a monarch. 
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121. His hard, tough, unsentimental mind gave to the weak young republic the guidance it desperately needed.
122. He left him out of the match against the Republic of Ireland in Dublin two years ago.
123. The Republic, which retains membership of the Commonwealth, is a one-party state with an executive President.
124. Djindjic told a rally at Republic Square that Milosevic was trying to lumber the police with responsibility for failed government policy.
125. And it is what happened to the Republic of Ireland, where successive administrations borrowed heavily for job creation purposes.
126. Last year, the Republic of Texas set up headquarters in San Antonio and resolved to take more drastic measures.
127. Both games showed the tremendous amount of work needed in the Republic to restore the team to the top in international terms.
128. Obviously, this is not a step our great republic takes lightly.
129. Government policy centred on the question of integration through schooling in the values of the Republic rather than on multicultural education.
130. The republic was declared an independent state on Sept. 23.
131. Elliot realized that prompt action was necessary, as did Anson Jones, president of the Republic of Texas.
132. Bokassa was deposed by former President Dacko in September 1979, the country reverting to the status of republic.
133. In the early years of the republic, the congressional leaders of each party chose their presidential nominees in closed caucuses.
134. Instead he gave the Constitution and later the new republic the benefit of his penetrating mind and brilliant ability.
135. Feb. 23-Chechen nationalists plan to hold mass demonstrations in Grozny, capital of the breakaway republic.
136. These frontiers held with minor changes until the republic was abolished by Napoleon in 1808.
137. The 21 independent local radio stations all over the Republic claim they are getting audiences of up to three million listeners each week.
138. May 15, 1920 Democratic republic is declared by Constituent Assembly.
139. On the day before Republic Day, the police presence around Bhilai and the neighbouring towns is heavy.
140. Excise officers in the Republic are co-operating with their colleagues in Northern Ireland to halt the trade.
141. Over the last few months the republic had been buoyed by waves of euphoria.
142. From ancient Rome to the Weimar Republic to the Carter presidency, regimes have been rotted by the monetary cancer called inflation.
142. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
143. Since then the craggy little republic of 650,000-odd people has been independent in all but name.
144. Now he must study the times in which we live and the period in which he is to preside over the republic.
145. Increasingly, the socialists declared that they saw the republic as a Bourgeois stepping stone in a transition to a socialist regime.
146. In the electronic republic, political manipulation is the other side of the coin of effective political persuasion.
147. Each autonomous republic is represented by eleven deputies in the Soviet of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet.
148. Under the republic the forum was both a market place surrounded by shops and a public meeting place.
149. The possibility of a potentially hostile power occupying bases in Dalmatia was a matter of life and death to the republic.
150. Tuva, under the Soviet system, was always an autonomous republic.
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