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Receiver in a sentence

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Sentence count:219+7Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: transmitterSimilar words: receiveperceiveperceivedconceiverecentrecentlyrecessionreceptionMeaning: [rɪ'sɪːvə(r)]  n. 1. set that receives radio or tv signals 2. (law) a person (usually appointed by a court of law) who liquidates assets or preserves them for the benefit of affected parties 3. earphone that converts electrical signals into sounds 4. a person who gets something 5. a football player who catches (or is supposed to catch) a forward pass. 
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61. Her hand tightened convulsively on the receiver, the earpiece jerked against her face.
62. In the sixth hotel the phone was pink and its weight felt wrong as I lifted the receiver.
63. Sound Diffusion ordinary shares were suspended in December at 22p and the group asked its bankers to appoint a receiver.
64. Rising slowly like an automaton, she made her way over to the counter and picked up the receiver.
65. But the balance is easily adjustable with any Dolby Pro Logic receiver.
66. Dov Kalmenzohn lifted the telephone receiver and called a number.
67. Carson let the door swing behind him, hurrying through into the sitting room and reaching for the receiver.
68. The Receiver in Bankruptcy applies for registration of a receiving order.
69. In that case a debenture holder had appointed a receiver, and the directors were allowed to bring a case against him.
69. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
70. She replaced the receiver in its cradle and walked back to her chair.
71. In the hallway my hand trembled as I picked up the receiver.
72. They are challenging the legality of the appointment of a receiver and are still hoping to retain control.
73. I ran out into the hallway, picked up the receiver, and it was Minna.
74. Serious business, he thought with a frown as he picked up the receiver.
75. I lifted the receiver with caution, listening for the white noise of a long-distance connection.
76. Then I heard the click of the receiver being replaced at the other end and the line went dead.
77. Take the opportunity, when it arises, to convey something of help or value to the receiver.
78. Polly gingerly took up the receiver of the entryphone intercom that hung on the wall beside her front door.
79. But a holding penalty on young wide receiver Iheanyi Uwaezuoke nullified the play.
80. Further, the two remedies of administrative receiver and administrators are different in nature, though they may be similar in purpose.
81. An added advantage: you don't have to pay any licence fee for this model because there is no T.V. receiver.
82. Reaching over the reception desk, he lifted the telephone receiver.
83. Receiver is attached to battery with servo tape - rubber bands are for added security.
84. Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin gets caught in a hotel room with two topless dancers and a mobile pharmacy.
85. Hardly daring to trust himself, he gently replaced the receiver.
86. The wireless remote receiver also can be connected to your home security system to alert the police.
87. The public key is used to decrypt information at the receiver and is not kept secret.
88. By the time I lifted the receiver, there was no one on the line.
89. Shop stewards will send the letter to joint administrative receiver Ipe Jacob, requesting it be presented to potential buyers.
90. But the appointment of a receiver at Birmingham has removed any obstacle.
More similar words: receiveperceiveperceivedconceiverecentrecentlyrecessionreceptionunprecedenteddeceptiverecoverrecoveryliverdriverdeliverdiversedeliverydiversitygive rise toanniversaryeconomic recoveryover and overceilingpiecedecentonce in a whilea piece ofgo to piecespiece togetherreck
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