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Rainfall in a sentence

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Sentence count:185+17Posted:2016-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: rainSimilar words: in factinfantin favour ofbraindrainstrainterraintrainerMeaning: n. water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere. 
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121. The rainfall was rather scanty this month.
122. Playa lakes are depressional wetlands that collect water runoff during rainfall events.
123. The main factors, which lead to hill landslide, are following: human engineering activities, corrosion of flowing water, change of groundwater and concentrated rainfall.
124. Relatively strong rainfall period and effectively continuous rainfall can make the echo intensity decrease greatly and remain the low index for a long time, and the visibility turns well.
125. A new monkey species in Myanmar is so snub-nosed that rainfall is said to makes it sneeze—but that's apparently the least of its problems, conservationists announced in October.
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126. The winters are wet and cold with a high average rainfall. Deep red Hutton soils.
127. Through regression, we found runoff energy cut rate present logarithm relevant to rainfall energy.
128. The text introduction analyses rainfall resource directness and indirectness transforming for industrialization, in a word, China's rainfall resource industrialization is primary phase at present.
129. Rainfall has slight influence on soil moisture of upland during drought season.
130. In this paper the relative rainfall area in weather chart are discussed.
131. The stress and deformation of residual soil slope under rainfall infiltration calculated with FEM are analyzed.
132. The information of the rain-detecting radar is to be used for calculating the regional rainfall so as to improve the relevant calculation solely based on data from limited rain gauge stations.
133. This color-coded image shows estimated rainfall amounts for May 17 through May 19, as well as the storm track from May 17 to May 20.
134. The extreme high winds, intense rainfall, large ocean waves, and copious sea spray in hurricanes push the surface-exchange parameters for temperature, water vapor, and momentum into untested regimes.
135. A logarithmic function correlation occurred between the initial time of stemflow and the intensity of rainfall that prior to the stemflow begins.
136. One rainy day, Robert the Bruce lay in a cave,( listening to the rainfall outside the cave entrance.
137. The result is that air quality of shanghai is not only affected by the monsoon or rainfall, but also has close relationship with wind velocity , fog and inversion layer .
138. In addition , the hygroscopic seeding of summertime convective clouds shows some promise to enhance rainfall.
139. It is only where rainfall is continued that continuous flow systems develop.
140. In 2003 and 2004, tobacco ripened slowly, followed by a rapid decline in quality due to excessive rainfall.
141. The comprehensive factors including variety, topography, air temperature, rainfall and number of sporangia dispersal could affect outbreak and epidemic of wine grape downy mildew .
142. Afterward these days, the weather was not good, but the rainfall intensity has reduces, does not affect to the bookie buys the lottery ticket.
143. Since earliness is not an issue, nor is summer rainfall, his only concern is clean fruit.
144. For example, it was a long-standing practice among local farmers to dig what they called zai—shallow pits that collected and concentrated scarce rainfall onto the roots of crops.
145. As people around the world mark the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Africans that live near Lake Chad are battling rainfall shortage and receding lake waters that are threatening their very existence.
146. There was a decreasing trend in each pollutant concentration with rainfall duration and finally tends to flat. So we collect the rainwater after abandoning part of the initial flow of rainwater.
147. Based on the storm data in China, some relevant problems of the extreme point rainfall storm values are discussed in this paper.
148. Annual rainfall is the determining environmental factor on Chinese Chiroptera species density distribution, and annual average temperature also has relatively significant affect.
149. With over 120 inches of rainfall per year, Hilo is not only the wettest city in America, but a virtual greenhouse.
150. Tzu Chi started relief work after continual rainfall, which began in February, finally abated in April.
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