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Pummel in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2017-02-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bangbatterbeatfloghammerpoundpunchrapstrikethrashwallopSimilar words: summerplummetmidsummeruntrammeleduntrammelledpumppumpkinsummonMeaning: ['pʌml]  v. strike, usually with the fist. 
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1. I pummel myself with my fists, hard, a dozen times.
2. Intense hurricane winds pummel the shoreline.
3. Whining jet engines pummel airline passengers with a mind-numbing 75 to 80 decibels of noise.
4. As it spread, markets started to pummel European banks and insurers for their exposure to what could prove to be one of the worst sovereign debt disasters ever.
5. Improved Pummel, a Fury talent,( will cause a successful interrupt to generate 10/20 Rage.
6. Pummel now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
7. On Jan. 10, blizzards started to pummel a huge swath of central and southern China.
8. I am dying for a chance to pummel that guy.
9. Meanwhile, foreclosures continue to pummel the mortgage firms with big losses.
10. Treat your body like a dartboard and pummel it with bad habits, and you won't have energy for fun.
11. For a full-service luxurious getaway that won't completely pummel your eco-conscience, the Amaryllis Beach Resort in Christ Church, Barbados, West Indies, may be the ticket.
12. While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation.
13. Ali leaned against the ropes and allowed Foreman to pummel him.
14. But sometimes she thought Perdita had created Agnes for something to pummel.
15. Ali shocked his trainers and the sports world by leaning against the ropes and allowing Foreman to pummel him.
16. It happens a few times where I have to pummel one of these guys who causes trouble in the club.
17. The heat in her tail burnt like a furnace[], as the little strap continued to pummel her sore behind.
18. This one aims for a grittier and darker theme, where you will see Hulk and the equally powerful Abomination pummel each other.
19. But CCD likely involves multiple stressors.Poor nutrition and chemical exposure, for instance, might pummel a bee's immunities before a virus finishes the insect off.
20. Stop beating me up. Don't let your inner voice pummel your spirit.
21. Inflate the Executive Punching Bag ( wonderfullywacky. com ) and pummel " the boss " as needed.
22. How are we to reconcile the Olympic spirit with two athletes trying to throw, pin, or pummel one another into defeat?
23. A few ideas I liked particularly are a Disarm effect on a 1 minute cooldown, or a Pummel on a short cooldown.
24. The problem starts out small. If you fail to take care of the problem, it will get bigger and bigger, then it will pummel you.
25. Rising ocean temperatures, water pollution, ocean acidification and cyclones continually pummel the reef and have caused mass coral bleaching.
26. But once the ice retreats and the permafrost thaws, heavy winds, waves, and freshwater currents can pummel the islands from all directions, making them rounder and smaller than in other environments.
27. In front of her, late the gram of the an step the thunder Be some to dispiritedly look one eye that deal a combat a pummel, quite don't give up.
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