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Prognosis in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+3Posted:2017-03-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: prognosticatediagnosisdiagnosediagnosesosmosisneurosisapotheosissclerosisMeaning: [prɑg'nəʊsɪs /prɒg-]  n. 1. a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop 2. a prediction of the course of a disease. 
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151. Methods: Clinical feature, preoperative radiology, esophagoscopy and prognosis of surgical treatment were retrospectively analyzed in 7 patients with esophageal carcinosarcoma.
152. between the level of endothelin ( ET ) and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and prognosis of cardiopulmonary resuscitation ...
153. In rare cases tumors with neurocytoma features may involve the brain parenchyma or spinal cord and are referred to as extraventricular central neurocytomas. These have a worse prognosis.
154. The gastroenteritis and the neuropsychosis types usually carry favourable prognosis by way of symptomatic therapies.
155. Objective To investigate the relation between alkaline phosphatase ( ALP ) in gingival crevicular fluid ( GCF ) and prognosis.
156. The worse the neoplasm, the greater the degree of aneuploidy and the worse the prognosis.
157. The poor prognosis of fetuses with alobar holoprosencephaly makes early diagnosis in utero important.
158. Objective to summarize the clinical character, treatment and prognosis of adult testis endodermal sinus tumor.
159. Conclusion CT can accurately demonstrate the site, extent and size of the lesion, postulate the prognosis, and, therefore, is very valuable for medicolegal expertise.
160. We considered CT number of the disc as an objective index for prognosis of collagenase chemonucleolysis.
161. Objective To evaluate the effects of five factors including age, gender, disease course, extent and location of meniscectomy to the prognosis after arthroscopic meniscectomy.
162. Objective To explore the relation between the severity of coronary artery disease, prognosis and leukocytosis in acute myocardial infarction(AMI).
163. A bad prognosis of stroke due new-onset hypertension maybe a result of multiple factors, not only with the autoregulatory mechanism, but also related to inflammatory response.
164. The result of application in many goldfields has showed that structural superimposed halo is an effective method on gold exploration and prognosis in deep and periphery of gold deposit.
165. Objective To evaluate treatment and clinical prognosis of gestational trophoblastic tumor ( GTT ) patients with bladder metastasis.
166. Objective To investigate the prognosis of mental disorders associated with Qi - Gong.
167. Operation is the only means for treatment of the carcinoma and radical distal pancreatectomy is very important for improvement of the carcinoma's prognosis.
168. Objective:To detect the prognosis and its related factors of tardive dyskinesia (TD).
169. The prognosis of tuberous sclerosis is often uncertain due to the varied presentations and associated lesions.
170. Acoustic stapedius reflex in patients with mild or no hearing loss is useful for defining the involved sites and evaluating the prognosis.
171. Conclusion The abnormality of P16 gene may promote the metastasis of gastric carcinoma, and it may also acts as the reference mark of prognosis of gastric carcinoma.
172. The prognosis correlated with the stage and grade of tumor.
173. Objective To investigate the causes and mechanism of hypernatremia and its prognosis in patients with severe craniocerebral injury.
174. Conclusion To observe pathobiology features of breast cancer might predict prognosis, be taken as a guide in determining the surgical approach and combination of treatment scheme.
175. Conclusion VEGF-C may be related to invasion, lymph node metastasis and postoperative hematogenous metastasis of the carcinoma and prognosis.
176. Health - search sites suggest a similar prognosis for specialist sites in other fields.
177. If you do manage to leave your cell phone, camera, or other battery-powered gear out in the rain — or worse, drop them in a toilet — the prognosis is usually pretty grim.
178. Conclusion Combination of electronic fetal wardship and amniotic fluid index monitoring for the condition of fetus can improve the prognosis of delayed pregnancy.
179. Conclusion:The classical CT findings can suggest the diagnosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei. CT scan may give helpful information in selecting therapy and improving the prognosis of this disease.
180. Objective: To analyze the prognosis of nonidentity in bigeminal pregnancy.
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