(1) He who
does not gain loses.

(2) The moon
does not heed the barking of dogs.

(4) Where the sun enterd, the doctor
does not.

(5) Man
does not live by bread alone.

(6) When you are at Rome, do as Rome

(7) The tail
does often catch the fox.

(8) A borrowed cloak
does not keep one warm.

(9) He who
does not advance falls backward.

(10) Use a book as a bee
does flowers.

(11) When you go to Rome(Sentencedict.com), do as Rome

(12) He who
does not work neither shall he eat.

(13) He who
does no good, does evil enough.

(14) Wickedness
does not go altogether unrequited.

(15) Do in Rome as Rome

(16) Health
does not consist with intemperance.

(17) He alone is poor who
does not possess knowledge.

(18) One butcher
does not fear many sheep.

(19) Love
does much, money does everything (ormore).

(20) Forced love does not last.
(21) Work bears witness who
does well.

(22) Wine in the bottle
does not quench thirst.

(23) As a man’s heart is, so
does he speak.

(24) Handsome is as handsome does.
(25) One swallow
does not make a summer.

(26) The cowl (or hood)
does not make the monk.

(27) The fruit
does not fall far from the tree.

(28) He who
does not honour his wife, dishonours himself.

(29) The habit [cowl, hood]
does not make the monk.

(30) Money
does not grow on tree.

(1) Wood does not sink in water.
(2) Does life exist on other planets?
(3) How long does it take you to commute?
(4) Does the UN convene every year?
(5) The poem does not eulogize the dead soldiers.
(6) I hope this disagreement does not divide us.
(7) What's up - why does everyone look so serious?
(8) What does the term 'patrician' signify?
(9) Does your leg pain you much?
(10) Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.
(11) Civilization does not remian static, but changes constantly.
(12) Does the theatre have disabled access?
(13) She does not lack for friends.
(14) What time does the store close?
(15) Princess Anne does not have a bottomless purse.
(16) Excuse my ignorance, but how does it actually work?
(17) Vegetarianism is one cause she does not espouse.
(18) My car does 35 miles to the gallon.
(19) How many people does your company employ?
(20) What time does the concert finish?
(21) She always does things the hard way.
(22) What time does this train get to New York?
(23) Does this train stop at Chofu?
(24) Does good marketing mean playing safe and staying traditional?
(25) When does the next bus to Narita leave?
(26) Excuse me, does this bus go to Oxford Street?
(27) Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV.
(28) What professional qualifications does he have?
(29) His voice does not record well.
(30) How long does it take to get downtown?