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Possibly in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+17 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: maybemayhapperadventureperchanceperhapspotentiallySimilar words: impossiblypossibleimpossibleas soon as possiblepossibilityostensiblyinsensiblyaccessibleMeaning: ['pɑsəblɪ /'pɒ-]  adv. 1. by chance 2. with a possibility of becoming actual 3. in a manner or to a degree possible of conceiving 4. to a degree possible of achievement or by possible means. 
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1. Could I possibly use your bathroom?
2. How can I possibly do it?
3. We can't possibly get the work done by October.
4. I'll do all I possibly can.
5. This is possibly their worst performance ever.
6. This last task is possibly the most difficult.
7. Nobody can possibly suspect what he says.
8. Could I possibly have another room key?
9. Nothing can possibly excuse him for such rude behavior.
10. Exercise will not only lower blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. He couldn't fathom out what the man could possibly mean.
12. He could not possibly have endured a whipping without a whimper.
13. It may possibly rain, but it will probably be sunny again.
14. How could anyone possibly do such a thing?
15. Could you possibly close that window?
16. The lake was possibly ponded by lavas.
17. You can't possibly mean that!
18. The hotel has everything you could possibly desire .
19. They were smartly but casually dressed; possibly students.
20. You may possibly get a new job.
21. The hotel had everything you could possibly desire.
22. I can't possibly meet that deadline.
23. What could possibly disturb such tranquility?
24. You can't possibly get the picture.
25. I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse.
26. He may possibly know it.
27. I can't possibly lend you so much money.
28. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
29. 'I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude.' 'Quite possibly ,( but the damage has been done.'
30. She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages.
More similar words: impossiblypossibleimpossibleas soon as possiblepossibilityostensiblyinsensiblyaccessiblepermissibleadmissibleinexpressibleterriblyincrediblysiblingvisiblepossessfeasiblesensiblefossilgossipdivisibleostensibleinsensibleresponsiblecomprehensiblereprehensiblebe responsible forassemblyprobablytoss
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