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Piston in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: PistonWalter PistonplungerSimilar words: pistolinsist ontherapiststoneepistemerest onmilestoneastonishMeaning: ['pɪstən]  n. 1. United States neoclassical composer (1894-1976) 2. mechanical device that has a plunging or thrusting motion. 
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1. A piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod.
2. Tell the foundry to cast another piston.
3. The piston slides noiselessly up and down.
4. They use a piston engine instead.
5. The piston is reciprocating inside cylinder.
6. A piston engine reacts immediately to power[], just like a car.
7. As the piston is pushed the near side opens and the air pressure closes the back flap.
8. Here, the float arm closes a horizontal piston, fitted with a washer against the valve seating.
9. After a piston engine, starting a turbine can seem strange.
10. The steel piston is fitted with brass piston rings which, says Hytek, makes for longer life.
11. These resemble crop-sprayers, but with piston engines - hence the avgas there.
12. Once the piston is at the bottom of the cylinder, valve 3 is closed and valve 2 opened.
13. The Croydon design used a vertical falling piston against a nozzle and is now obsolete.
14. Atmospheric pressure then forced the piston down the cylinder in which it was sitting.
15. A piston destined to shuttle back and forth within a cylinder will be made on a lathe.
16. Electroless nickel-plated cylinders, chromium-plated piston rods.
17. Finally, it introduces the micro-shape of piston skirt.
18. Ingenious flat-top piston gives the engine stronger power.Sentence dictionary
19. In other wards, these gases blow by the piston.
20. Setting accelerator is added via a piston Batching unit.
21. The piston pin joins the piston to connecting rod.
22. The piston froze in the cylinder.
23. Piston Ring in the domestic industry more competitive enterprises.
24. Bigger capacity engines produce more torque as more fuel is burnt per firing stroke, giving a bigger push to the piston.
25. All light aircraft maintenance workshops would most certainly have one for synchronizing and timing port and starboard magnetos on piston engines.
26. This is a wonderful piece of ancient machinery of indeterminate age, and consists of a crank-driven triple piston pump.
27. Pardue's aircraft had metal on the oil filter screens as well as part of a piston ring.
28. He held the syringe with its end close to the idol and pulled the piston out sharply.
29. It consists of an upright cylinder containing a twelve-inch piston with rod two and a half inches in diameter.
30. But as the barrel swung it would push a small piston that, in return, moved the hand lever.
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