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Pipeline in a sentence

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Sentence count:244+10Posted:2017-03-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: grapevinelineword of mouthSimilar words: in the pipelinefelinebeelinelife lineeyelineron the linesidelineguidelineMeaning: n. 1. gossip spread by spoken communication 2. a pipe used to transport liquids or gases. 
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211. The paper introduces the fibreglass pipeline application of water supply conduit engineering in Wuchang city, poses the characteristic and construction method of the fiberglass pipeline.
212. Instruction pipeline unit is the primary data path in ENOD. As a nuclear module in ENOD, it controls the process of integer instruction executed.
213. Northern Pipeline was widely regarded as potentially applicable to administrative agencies as well as specialized courts.
214. In addition, pipeline construction regimentation and management system in China's desert areas are discussed.
215. The nuclear pipeline is now likely to run dry in most countries.
216. A newly developed pipeline plug is composed of a central pipe, balloon, piston, spring, clamp, backplate, inside and outside joints, connecting plate and a wedge key.
217. Once the pipeline does not pass, the tear stack will initiate the inflammation, if the cornea will have the flesh wound, the question will be possibly more rambunctious .
218. EC-300 is very effective for groundwater remediation near underground storage tank (UST) sites, gasoline stations, pipeline terminals, and fuel tanks.
219. A new method of the residual life prediction of buried pipeline was finally developed based on the corrosion rate model and limit size model of corrosion defects.
220. This paper researches leakage monitor control system of long distance gas pipeline based on instantaneous model of natural gas, and exemplified it is a feasible detection means.
221. More important, the Ukrainians , who have engaged in plenty of pipeline hanky-panky in the past, have this time around readily agreed to let Europeans and Russians monitor their transit pipelines.
222. The field pipeline network design of a new type permanent sprinkler irrigation system with hexagonal ( quadrangular ) impact driver sprinkler was discussed in this paper.
223. Periodic release of the tail gas to the pipeline or injection of ammonia the tail gas could prevent the auto-ignition in the pipeline.
224. Pipe jacking method could be used to solve the difficulties setting pipeline in bumper-to-bumper traffic area.
225. The Enbridge pipeline shutting last Thursday was expected to help reduce stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma, hub, delivery point for U.S. benchmark crude West Texas Intermediate.
226. This paper analyzes the operation cost problem of hot oil pipeline.
227. The results show that X80 pipeline steel obtains sorbite after quenching and tempering, gets pearlite by normalizing.
228. It is of great importance to identify the new chemical entity (NCE) with poor pharmacokinetic properties early in drug discovery pipeline.
229. The pipeline with greater depth would be damaged more seriously under the action of the reverse fault.
230. As a important basis of calculating the distortion and strength of the buried pipeline, the paper gives out the space curve differential equations of elastic foundation-beam (displacement equation).
231. This paper presents a system scheme for Urban Pipeline Network information System. Extended relation database is used to store and manage the attributes and graphic information of pipelines.
232. Submerged-arc welding experiments of pipeline steel were carried out using two kinds of newly-developed welding wire with appropriate welding process.
233. The Portal Search document processing pipeline assumes this service is available locally.
234. Regarding to the estimation of the elevated together with suspended heights of pipeline above the sea floor, they can be calculated with the Frontward and Backward models derived in this dissertation.
235. Pipeline design system based on GIS is based on data of GIS to locate the center line of pipeline in plane and portrait , and extract pipeline data to make automatically project budget estimate.
236. The mathematical model and boundary condition of soil temperature field in finite region was established through analysis geometry model of underground heat oil pipeline.
236. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
237. The invention is characterized in that the lower jet pipeline is also connected with a vacuum-pumping device.
238. Last Friday night, an oil pipeline broke under the Yellowstone River in the western state of Montana.
239. By use of such a method, the proper rights and interests of both the gas pipeline company and the users will be protected under the fair principles.
240. In the paper, the underwater repair technique for double insulation pipe is introduced based on the underwater repair project of sub-sea pipeline in Weizhou oil fie ld.
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