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Petrochemical in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+1Posted:2017-04-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: biogeochemical cyclechemicalchemical energyrapprochementphotochemistrypolemicalacademicallyeuphemisticallyMeaning: ['petrəʊ'kemɪkl]  n. any compound obtained from petroleum or natural gas. 
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(121) Lanzhou petrochemical company, as a State-owned major enterprise, gave full play to superiority of centralized-purchase in heavy material purchase.
(122) As an effective equipment for distant putting out oil fire and cooling, it can be fixed in flammable and explosive petrochemical industry, oilcan zone, oil handling terminal, wharf and so on.
(123) It also analyses and evaluates comprehensively the direct and indirect benefits that the integrated information system brings to Shengli Petrochemical Plant.
(124) The four permanent benchmarks are built as the altitude control network in the place because of the requirement for the CSPC Nanhai petrochemical project's building.
(125) The olefin cracking and the pentene isomerization over zeolites are two very important reactions in the petrochemical industry.
(126) About 20 sq . km forest Petrochemical industrial control section construction land is programmed.
(127) Operating in the petrochemical 0 # oil, oil, emulsified oil, the price is reasonable!
(128) Petrochemical Products, Kerosene Oil, Bitumen , Base Oils, Oil and Lubricants, Oil, Oil.
(129) Use cost to analyse a method, the polypropylene device of petrochemical to Beijing swallow hill Inc. undertakes an analysis, increase the optimal program of device economic benefits certainly.
(130) Not containing abradant or any petrochemical solvents, even contact with genuine leather will not fade or corrode.
(131) Focus on petrochemical plant equipment daily operating and maintenance job.
(132) The causes of the problems found from the pelletizer rubber roll of ABS Plant of Daqing Petrochemical Chemical Plant are analyzed.
(133) Weak corrosively medium for petrochemical production such as waterammoniaoil hydrocarbon and etc.
(134) Also, the prospects of the treatment of cooling tower in Chinese petrochemical complex are discussed.
(135) Widely used in petrochemical, electronics, ceramics, magnetic materials furnace lining.
(136) A biochemical experiment on petrochemical wastewater treatment is done by a small experimental multi-stage loop and aerating equipment with simple structure and high oxygen utilization factor.
(137) Marginal contribution analytical method commonly used in intermittent industry can also be used for economic analysis of production and operation of solid products in petrochemical industry.
(137) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(138) Petrochemical wastewater were treated by continuous micro filtration ( CMF ) and reverse osmose ( RO ) double membrane technique.
(139) This paper introduced in detail the composition and industrial application of circulating cooling water treatment system in Yangzi Petrochemical Solvent Co.
(140) Nickel naphthenate is used broadly in petrochemical and chemical scopes.
(141) The analyzer is a significant asset in the combustion processes of various facilities, including steam generation and kilns in the power and petrochemical industries.
(142) The petrochemical type of the Caijialing volcanic rocks couldn't belong to the potassic basaltic rock series.
(143) As an important device, cyclone is widely used in many fields, such as petrochemical, coal firing power plant, environmental protection, and so on.
(144) Large units act a decisive role in continuous operation of petrochemical plants.
(145) In the fabrication of petrochemical plant(pressure vessel), the keys to quality control of bumped head are the diameter calculation of head blanking and its forming.
(146) Reboiler is the common heat exchanger in the petrochemical industry and bundle leakage caused by corrosion during operation is the most popular failure.
(147) Refinery and petrochemical operation produce a variety of byproduct gases.
(148) These rocks have similar petrochemical compositions mineral constituents and rock - forming tectonic settings.
(149) MIP process (a catalytic cracking process for producing more iso-paraffin) has been successfully applied in the FCC unit of Heilongjiang Petrochemical Plant.
(150) The present invention provides the new use of ethion in petrochemical industry.
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