Similar words: ruinously, ominous, ignominiously, numinous, luminous, voluminous, coterminous, promiscuously. Meaning: ['ɑmɪnəslɪ /'ɒm-]
adv. in an ominous manner.

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1 The sky looked ominously dark.
2 Ominously, car sales slumped in August.
3 The wheels scooped up stones which hammered ominously under the car.
4 The bar seemed ominously quiet.
5 Distant rolls of thunder belch ominously.
6 Then the first snowflakes descended ominously.
7 More ominously,( the effort to halt the nuclear spread could also stall.
8 In any case, he added ominously, Moscow expected exit requests to decline in the future.
9 More ominously, in both starts they have knocked Olajuwon from Mount Olympus, making him appear suspiciously mortal.
10 But ominously, there was no hint of an eventual return to the Cabinet.
11 Ominously, however, this confidence-promoting institution is itself undergoing a crisis of confidence.
12 My six-year old daughter has ominously started making paper aeroplanes and dividing them into teams.
13 Snaking ominously up from its subterranean silo, the 330, 000-pound missile nearly breaks the surface.
14 But, ominously, official trade unions, which formerly supported the government, are now throwing in with independent miners.
15 Just as ominously, the Senate leadership seems inclined to attach conditions to the money.
16 When her family contested the will, Agia ominously testified on behalf of Mons from her grave.
17 And most ominously, it often has the effect of crippling the performance of formerly productive work groups.
18 Several othet figures ominously loomed.
19 Mammy shook her head ominously.
20 I went into the kitchen and found him lying ominously still on the floor.
21 The growth of bureaucratic power since 1900, Handlin wrote, had begun ominously to encroach upon the freedom of the individual.
22 David remembers the day the letter arrived, and the ominously quiet discussion which ensued between his parents at Rhydoldog.
23 Every step he took seemed to be resented by the stonework, which creaked and rumbled ominously about him.
24 Labour protest in the cities might pose no immediate security risk but it had gathered pace ominously throughout the 1870s.
25 Everton's record of failing to keep a clean sheet in 15 matches soon looked ominously likely to continue.
26 Grant cuts the engine to listen for clues. Distant rolls of thunder belch ominously.
27 She lay motionless, utterly worn out by her exertions, yet at the same time ominously wide awake.
28 The Conservatives were fairly quiescent, but the Liberals were buzzing ominously with activity.
29 Half way through my vigil, a cloud wandered in front of the sun and the sky turned ominously dark.
30 Ultimately it may compromise the quality of medical care and ominously even result in premature death!
More similar words: ruinously, ominous, ignominiously, numinous, luminous, voluminous, coterminous, promiscuously, monotonously, ruinous, heinous, mutinous, domino theory, libidinous, piously, vertiginous, callously, furiously, raucously, riotously, curiously, enormously, dubiously, piteously, zealously, jealously, tediously, obviously, arduously, nervously.