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Obstinacy in a sentence

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Sentence count:41+1Posted:2017-02-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bullheadednessmulishnessobstinancepigheadednessself-willstubbornnessSimilar words: obstinatepertinacityabstinencedestinationpredestinationprocrastinationobstacleobstetricsMeaning: ['ɑbstɪnəsɪ /'ɒb-]  n. 1. the trait of being difficult to handle or overcome 2. resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires. 
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31. Tough Bill had no patience with an obstinacy which could only result in loss to himself, and on the last occasion he flung both Strickland and Captain Nichols out of his house without more ado.
32. Remember that the ruling faculty is invincible, when self-collected it is satisfied with itself, if it does nothing which it does not choose to do, even if it resist from mere obstinacy.
33. Cindy's anger usually made him stand firm to the point of obstinacy.
34. He bit the file to English obstinacy and broke his teeth.
35. Has anyone ever seen such obstinacy, or a robbery like this?
36. The experiment used integrated hall switch sensor and Jonly balance in measuring obstinacy modulus, offered a method of calculating the spring efficiency mass.
36. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
37. "'Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause, —and of obstinacy in a bad one" (Laurence Sterne).
38. Robertson uttered not a word of reflection on his companion for the consequences of his obstinacy.
39. I resisted the proposal with obstinacy ; and now I began to arm myself with arguments.
40. However if one wants to know, one has to first rid oneself of self-opinion, self-perception and one's rigid obstinacy for religions.
41. She knew too much of the obstinacy of men to oppose any of their ridiculous humours.
More similar words: obstinatepertinacityabstinencedestinationpredestinationprocrastinationobstacleobstetricsobstreperousobstructionsubstitutein accordance withretinastintstingytestingburst ininstinctdistinctpostingexistingassist indestinedconsist inindistinctburst intofascinatingoriginatingexhaustingstinginess
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