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Eric in a sentence

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Sentence count:198+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-10-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: Americanhystericalricepricetrickbrickstrictfabric
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1. Eric went to Seattle to visit his cousins.
2. Eric was far from sure and Marion looked doubtful.
3. Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert.
4. Eric has been signed on for the team as goalkeeper.
5. Eric was sporting a new camel-hair coat.
6. Eric was real heavy into drugs for a while.
7. Eric fished a peppermint out of the bag.
8. Eric was my cousin Edward's boy.
9. "My leg"— "I think it's broken," Eric groaned.
10. Eric is very badly misunderstood.
11. Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of George Orwell.
12. Eric couldn't resist a smile when she finally agreed.
13. You and Eric have become quite chummy[], haven't you?
14. I've known Eric since he was in short pants.
15. Eric could only respond in broken English.
16. Eric is starting to fill out around the waist.
17. Eric has a secret love child.
18. Eric asked me to marry him.
19. Sam is the seven-year-old son of Eric Davies.
20. Eric, as elusive as ever,[] was nowhere to be found.
21. Hands up if you agree with what Eric was saying.
22. The brilliant career of the great French footballer Eric Cantona , and the unruly nature of his character, together present a bewildering picture.
23. Eric came running into the room, out of breath .
24. Eric spent every spare moment he had in the library.
25. Eric Cantona made the game safe with a brilliant opportunist goal.
26. Eric fell asleep, his head gently tipping to one side.
27. Eric Edward Bullus was born in Peterborough, the second of five children.
28. Why does Eric get to go and I don't? It's not fair !
29. I couldn't see how I could get home from the station - then I had a brainwave, Eric could meet me.
30. The premises of Chabert and Sons were situated by the river and, by coincidence, not too far away from where Eric Talbot had met his death.
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