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Afternoon in a sentence

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Sentence count:269+82 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-10-04Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: morningSimilar words: aftergo afterafter allafterwardtake afterlook afterafter schoolone after anotherMeaning: [ɑːftəˈnuːn]  n. 1. the part of the day between noon and evening 2. a conventional expression of greeting or farewell. 
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1. She spent the afternoon pruning roses.
2. Do you have plans for this afternoon?
3. The boat should be operational by this afternoon.
4. The rain continued to fall all afternoon.
5. She has determined on going this afternoon.
6. They will get into London this afternoon.
7. The meeting carried on into the afternoon.
8. I shall be disengaged on Sunday afternoon.
9. The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out.
10. I shall be disengaged on Friday afternoon.
11. She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen.
12. The snowstorm will last till tomorrow afternoon.
13. Light drizzle fell all afternoon.
14. Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon.
15. The rain continued falling all afternoon.
16. I went upstairs for my afternoon siesta.
17. Will you be free this afternoon?
18. We had a feeling of inertia in the afternoon.
19. What,[]am I going to herd your children this afternoon?
20. I'll do some painting this afternoon.
21. I spent the afternoon snug and warm in bed.
22. A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
23. We dusted out the whole house this afternoon.
24. I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon.
25. I really must do the washing this afternoon.
26. Are you doing anything this afternoon?
27. The children spent the afternoon playing in the garden.
28. I napped the afternoon away.
29. It was warm enough to be outdoors all afternoon.
30. We had a peaceful afternoon without the children.
More similar words: aftergo afterafter allafterwardtake afterlook afterafter schoolone after anotherafter a whileday after dayyear after yearnoonno onegovernorwesternpatterneasternexternalInternetinternalpaternalsooner or lateralternativeinternationaleastern europeturn onborn ofturn offburn outturn out
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